Investigation Title Transcription profiling time series of Sinorhizobium meliloti in response to an osmotic upshift elicited by salt or sucrose
Comment[Submitted Name] Sanjuan S. meliloti response to an osmotic upshift
Experimental Design compound_treatment_design time_series_design transcription profiling by array
Experimental Design Term Source REF mo mo EFO
Comment[ArrayExpressReleaseDate] 2006-08-17
Comment[ArrayExpressAccession] E-MEXP-785
Comment[MAGETAB TimeStamp_Version] 2010-08-11 17:42:07 Last Changed Rev: 13058
Experimental Factor Name dose time compound
Experimental Factor Type dose time compound_treatment_design
Experimental Factor Term Source REF
Person Last Name Pérez-Arnedo Becker Olivares Soto Domínguez-Ferreras Sanjuán
Person First Name Rebeca Anke José María Ana Juan
Person Mid Initials J
Person Email
Person Phone 0034 958 181600
Person Fax 0034 958 129600
Person Address C/ Profesor Albareda nº1
Person Affiliation EEZ-CSIC Bielefeld University EEZ-CSIC EEZ-CSIC Microbiología del Suelo y Sistemas Simbióticos EEZ-CSIC
Person Roles submitter
Person Roles Term Source REF
Quality Control Type
Quality Control Term Source REF
Replicate Type
Replicate Term Source REF
Normalization Type
Normalization Term Source REF
Date of Experiment
Public Release Date 2006-08-17
PubMed ID 16916894
Publication DOI 16916894
Publication Author List Dominguez-Ferreras, Ana; Perez-Arnedo, Rebeca; Becker, Anke; Olivares, Jose; Soto, Maria J.; Sanjuan, Juan
Publication Title Transcriptome Profiling Reveals the Importance of Plasmid pSymB for Osmoadaptation of Sinorhizobium meliloti
Publication Status journal_article
Publication Status Term Source REF
Experiment Description Time course of the S. meliloti response to an osmotic upshift elicited by salt (300mM or 400mM) or sucrose (500mM or 700mM)
Protocol Name P-MEXP-28680 P-MEXP-28681 P-MEXP-28699 P-MEXP-28682 P-MEXP-28683 P-MEXP-28684 P-MEXP-28685 P-MEXP-28687 P-MEXP-28889
Protocol Type grow nucleic_acid_extraction pool labeling labeling hybridization hybridization feature_extraction bioassay_data_transformation
Protocol Description Cells were cultured in minimal media containing glutamate and mannitol as nitrogen and carbon sources, respectively, to exponential phase (A600 = 0.4) and then the appropriate amount of NaCl or sucrose was added to the culture in order to reach the desired concentration of these compounds. An equivalent amount of fresh minimal media was added to the control, unstressed cultures. Cells were then incubated (30ºC, 200 r.p.m.) and aliquots were collected after 15, 30, 60 or 240 minutes. RNA was isolated after mechanical disruption of the cells (Rüberg et al., 2003) using the RNesay Mini Kit and RNase-free DNase Set (Qiagen). RNA was then purified and concentrated using Microcon-30 filters (Millipore) Total RNA isolated from 3 biological replicates was pooled prior to concentration and purification with Microcon-30 filters (Millipore). Total RNA was reverse-transcribed to yield aminoallyl-labeled first-strand cDNA using Superscript II reverse transcriptase and a dNTP stock solution including aa-dUTP.
After reverse-transcription, RNA was hydrolyzed and the sample was purified using the CyScribe GFX Purification Kit (Amersham Biosciences).
Coupling of fluorescent dyes to the aminoallyl-labeled first-strand cDNA was followed by quenching of the remaining dyes with hydroxylamine and clean-up of fluorescently labeled targets using CyScribe GFX Purification Kit (Amersham Biosciences) Total RNA was reverse-transcribed to yield aminoallyl-labeled first-strand cDNA using Superscript II reverse transcriptase and a dNTP stock solution including aa-dUTP.
After reverse-transcription, RNA was hydrolyzed and the sample was purified using the CyScribe GFX Purification Kit (Amersham Biosciences).
Coupling of fluorescent dyes to the aminoallyl-labeled first-strand cDNA was followed by quenching of the remaining dyes with hydroxylamine and clean-up of fluorescently labeled targets using CyScribe GFX Purification Kit (Amersham Biosciences) Processing of QMT epoxy microarrays carrying 70mer oligonucleotides prior to hybridization (Adapted by Anke Becker, Department of Genetics, University of Bielefeld): Slides were washed for 5 minutes at room temperature in Rinsing Solution 1 (250ml MilliQ water + 250µl of Triton X100; dissolve at 80ºC for 5 minutes and cool down to room temperature), for 2 minutes at room temperature in Rinsing Solution 2 (500ml MilliQ water + 50µl HCl 37%), this step was repeated, then once at room temperature for 10 minutes in Rinsing Solution 3 (225ml MilliQ water + 25ml KCl 1M), then 1 minute at room temperature in MilliQ water. Slides were incubated for 15 minutes at 50ºC in prewarmed blocking solution (150ml MilliQ water + 40µl HCl 37% + 50ml 4xQMT Blocking solution). Finally wash slides for 1 minute at room temperature in MilliQ water and spin immediately in a microplate centrifuge at 1200 rpm for 3 minutes to dry.
Hybridization protocol: Dissolve the completely dried combined Cy3/Cy5-labeled targets in 50µl of DIG Easy Hyb + 1 µl of sonicated salmon sperm DNA (5 µg/µl) and incubate at 65ºC for 5-10 minutes. Place the dried slide into the slide chamber, apply 50 µl of the denatured target as a drop to the center of the slide and place a cover slip (22x60mm) carefully on it. All manipulations are carried out on a 42ºC warmed surface. Place lid of the slide chamber on the chamber, tighten the screws and place it on the bottom of a 42ºC water bath. Hybridize not less than 14 and not more than 18 hours at 42ºC.
Remove the slide with the cover slip from the chamber and quickly dump it into 2xSSC, 0.2% (w/v) SDS washing buffer prewarmed to 42ºC, thereby washing off the cover slip. Place the slide in a black plastic box with 2xSSC, 0.2% (w/v) SDS washing buffer prewarmed to 42ºC and shake for 5 minutes. Transfer to 0.2xSSC, 0.1% (w/v) SDS and shake at room temperature (at most 24ºC) for 1 minute. Repeat. Transfer to 0.2xSSC and shake at room temperature (at most 24ºC) for 1 minute. Repeat. Transfer to 0.1xSSC at 18ºC and shake for 1 minute. Spin immediately in a microplate centrifuge at 1200 rpm for 3-5 minutes.
Place dried slides in the dark for at least 20 minutes before scanning. Processing of QMT epoxy microarrays carrying 70mer oligonucleotides prior to hybridization (Adapted by Anke Becker, Department of Genetics, University of Bielefeld): Slides were washed for 5 minutes at room temperature in Rinsing Solution 1 (250ml MilliQ water + 250µl of Triton X100; dissolve at 80ºC for 5 minutes and cool down to room temperature), for 2 minutes at room temperature in Rinsing Solution 2 (500ml MilliQ water + 50µl HCl 37%), this step was repeated, then once at room temperature for 10 minutes in Rinsing Solution 3 (225ml MilliQ water + 25ml KCl 1M), then 1 minute at room temperature in MilliQ water. Slides were incubated for 15 minutes at 50ºC in prewarmed blocking solution (150ml MilliQ water + 40µl HCl 37% + 50ml 4xQMT Blocking solution). Finally wash slides for 1 minute at room temperature in MilliQ water and spin immediately in a microplate centrifuge at 1200 rpm for 3 minutes to dry.
Hybridization protocol: Dissolve the completely dried combined Cy3/Cy5-labeled targets in 250µl of DIG Easy Hyb + 3 µl of sonicated salmon sperm DNA (5 µg/µl) and incubate at 65ºC for 5-10 minutes. Place the dried slide into the chamber and inject the denatured target when prompted by the ASP software. It takes 10.5 to 16.5 hours (depending on the program) until the experiment continues.
Remove the slide from the ASP chamber and quickly place it in 2xSSC, 0.2% (w/v) SDS washing buffer prewarmed to 42ºC and shake for 1 minute after removal of the last slide. Transfer to 0.2xSSC, 0.1% (w/v) SDS and shake at room temperature (at most 24ºC) for 1 minute. Repeat. Transfer to 0.2xSSC and shake at room temperature (at most 24ºC) for 1 minute. Repeat. Transfer to 0.1xSSC at 18ºC and shake for 1 minute. Spin immediately in a microplate centrifuge at 1200 rpm for 3-5 minutes.
Place dried slides in the dark for at least 20 minutes before scanning. Scanning was performed using the ScanArray software with a pixel size of 10µm to generate the corresponding images.
Mean signal and mean local background intensities were obtained for each spot of the microarray images using the ImaGene 5.5 software for spot detection, image segmentation and signal quantification (Biodiscovery Inc., Los Angeles, CA, USA). Mean signal and mean local background intensities were obtained for each spot of the microarray images using the ImaGene 5.5 software for spot detection, image segmentation and signal quantification. Unreliable features were removed (bad or empty spots). The remaining spots were considered for further analysis. The logarithm to the bases 2 of the ratio of intensities was calculated for each spot using the formula Mi = log2 (Ri/Gi). Ri = I(ch1i)- Bg (ch1i) and Gi = I (ch2i)- Bg (ch2i), where I (ch1i) or I (ch2i) is the intensity of a spot in channel 1 or channel 2, respectively. In our case, positive log2 ratios corresponded to genes induced after the osmotic upshift and negative log2 ratios, to repressed genes. The mean intensity was calculated for each spot Ai = log2 (RiGi)to raise to the power of 0.5 (Dudoit et al. 2002). A normalization method based on local regression that account for intensity and spatial dependence in dye biases was applied. Within a print tip group normalization was performed according to Yang et al (2002). Genes significantly up- or down-regulated were identified by t-statistics (Dudoit et al., 2002). Normalization and t-statistics were carried out using the EMMA 1.1 microarray data analysis software developed at the Center for Genome Research at Bielefeld University (Dondrup et al., 2003). The p-value stated in the table is the result of the t-test performed on as much replicates as stated in the "replicates" column.
Protocol Parameters max temperature;min temperature; Extracted product;Amplification; Label used;Amplification;Amount of nucleic acid labeled; Amount of nucleic acid labeled;Label used;Amplification; Chamber type;time;Quantity of label target used;Volume;temperature; time;Volume;Chamber type;Quantity of label target used;temperature;
Protocol Hardware ScanArray 4000 [PerkinElmer]
Protocol Software ScanArray Express [PerkinElmer]
Protocol Contact
Protocol Term Source REF The MGED Ontology The MGED Ontology
SDRF File E-MEXP-785.sdrf.txt
Term Source Name The MGED Ontology ArrayExpress nci_meta mo EFO The MGED Ontology
Term Source File
Term Source Version