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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
16:47, 24 October 2013Tally ENgine output.PNG (file)9 KBTaur.vil 1
16:54, 24 October 2013Commandline.PNG (file)42 KBLena 1
17:07, 24 October 2013Matches.PNG (file)701 BLena 1
17:11, 24 October 2013Matches2.PNG (file)645 BLena 1
17:39, 24 October 2013Vc-Std AJV 20131022.gdb (file)25.55 MBAjvree (gdb file)1
17:39, 24 October 2013Vc-Std 20131022 LM KM-gmb2b70.gdb (file)25.56 MBKevinmcgee 1
17:40, 24 October 2013Vc-Std 20131022 week9.gdb (file)25.54 MBMmalefyt 1
17:40, 24 October 2013Vc-Std VK20131022.gdb (file)25.55 MBVkuehn 1
17:41, 24 October 2013Originalrowcounts.PNG (file)22 KBLena 1
17:41, 24 October 2013Tallies.PNG (file)27 KBVkuehn 1
17:46, 24 October 2013Externaloriginalrowcount.PNG (file)24 KBLena 1
18:04, 24 October 2013Rows.PNG (file)5 KBVkuehn 1
18:05, 24 October 2013Vibrio cholerae serotype O1 10 22 LM KM.xml (file)21.13 MBKevinmcgee 1
18:12, 24 October 2013Go daily-termdb.obo-10 22-LM-KM.xml.gz (file)3.75 MBKevinmcgee 1
18:13, 24 October 2013Tally-results-Gleis-20131024.PNG (file)40 KBGleis 1
18:14, 24 October 2013OriginalCounts.PNG (file)26 KBVkuehn 1
18:21, 24 October 2013Xmlpipedbmatch Results Gleis.PNG (file)44 KBGleis 1
18:23, 24 October 2013Capture(1).PNG (file)7 KBKevinmcgee 1
18:24, 24 October 2013SQL-count-GLEIS.PNG (file)76 KBGleis 1
18:28, 24 October 2013Capture(2).PNG (file)8 KBKevinmcgee 1
18:30, 24 October 2013Capture3.PNG (file)10 KBKevinmcgee 1
18:35, 24 October 2013Access-RowCounts Gleis.PNG (file)176 KBGleis 1
18:37, 24 October 2013VC Uniprot GLeis 10 22.xml (file)21.13 MBGleis 1
18:40, 24 October 2013Go daily-termdb.obo-xml GLEIS 20131022.gz (file)3.75 MBGleis 1
18:42, 24 October 201346.V cholerae ATCC 39315 Gleis 10 22.goa (file)4.59 MBGleis 1
18:42, 24 October 2013Capture4.PNG (file)1 KBKevinmcgee 1
18:43, 24 October 2013Vc-Std 20131022-GLeis-gmb2b70.gdb (file)25.55 MBGleis 2
18:44, 24 October 2013Capture5.PNG (file)3 KBKevinmcgee 2
18:45, 24 October 2013Capture6.PNG (file)4 KBKevinmcgee 1
18:49, 24 October 201346.V cholerae ATCC 39315 10 22 LM KM.txt (file)4.59 MBKevinmcgee 1
18:49, 24 October 2013Tally Results.PNG (file)38 KBHDelgadi 1
18:58, 24 October 2013Microsoft Access.PNG (file)66 KBHDelgadi 1
19:03, 24 October 2013SQL.PNG (file)63 KBHDelgadi 1
19:23, 24 October 2013Command Prompt.PNG (file)52 KBHDelgadi 1
19:36, 24 October 2013Uniprot-organismHD 22102013.xml (file)21.13 MBHDelgadi 1
19:50, 24 October 201346.V cholerae ATCC 39315 HD22102013.goa (file)4.59 MBHDelgadi 1
19:58, 24 October 2013Go daily-termdb.obo-xml HD22102013.gz (file)3.76 MBHDelgadi 1
20:18, 24 October 2013Benchmark.PNG (file)29 KBHDelgadi 1
20:18, 24 October 2013Benchmark cont'd.PNG (file)8 KBHDelgadi 1
20:40, 24 October 2013Systems.PNG (file)79 KBHDelgadi 1
20:57, 24 October 2013UniProt.PNG (file)104 KBHDelgadi 1
21:00, 24 October 2013RefSeq.PNG (file)107 KBHDelgadi 1
21:01, 24 October 2013OrderedLocusNames.PNG (file)107 KBHDelgadi 1
02:01, 25 October 2013Screen Shot 2013-10-24 at 7.01.11 PM.png (file)13 KBDwilliams (Results from Tally)1
02:13, 25 October 2013Screen Shot 2013-10-24 at 7.13.32 PM.png (file)32 KBDwilliams (Column 1)1
02:14, 25 October 2013Screen Shot 2013-10-24 at 7.13.54 PM.png (file)31 KBDwilliams (Column 2)1
03:43, 25 October 2013GMBuilder Capture 10-24-2013 9.40am.PNG (file)213 KBMpetredi (mpetredi GenMAPP Builder Tally Results from class.)1
03:47, 25 October 2013Micosoft Access Capture 10-24-2013 10.20am.PNG (file)60 KBMpetredi (mpetredi OriginalRowCounts from class week 9)1
03:49, 25 October 201346.V cholerae ATCC 39315 TVKS 2013 10 22.goa (file)4.59 MBTaur.vil 1
03:50, 25 October 2013Java -jar unique IDs 10-24-2013 10.01am.PNG (file)71 KBMpetredi (mpetredi XMLPipeDB Match results for week 9)1

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