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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
20:00, 3 December 2013For GenMAPP Chlamydia V4 20131203 DW.xls (file)20.51 MBDwilliams (Excel Spreadsheet with sheet for GenMAPP (final version that was run in GenMAPP).)1
05:27, 4 December 2013Dist Leishmania Lena Gabe (file)144 BGleis 1
06:24, 4 December 2013Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 mpetredi 2013123-2.gdb (file)28.99 MBMpetredi (Fourth export done, using gmbuilder "b73" on a new database)1
06:31, 4 December 2013SmelilotiGenMAPP Builder (file)16.91 MBMpetredi (custom gmbuilder created on 12/3/2013)1
22:14, 4 December 201320131203 IDExcelcomparison tATK TIGR4 AJV.xls (file)153 KBAjvree 1
22:36, 4 December 201320131203 CompiledCounts tATK TIGR4 AJV.pdf (file)217 KBAjvree 1
17:30, 5 December 2013Streptococcus pneumoniae TIGR4 20131125.gdb (file)16.79 MBTaur.vil (final version)1
17:32, 5 December 2013Complete processed Data MPM.xls (file)46.22 MBMmalefyt (Processed data ready for gen MAPP)1
17:36, 5 December 2013Complete processed Data MPM.txt (file)4.07 MBMmalefyt (TXT processed data)1
17:41, 5 December 2013UPLOAD FOR GENMAPP.txt (file)6.06 MBMmalefyt (NEW FILE, MAYBE THIS ONE WORKS)1
17:43, 5 December 2013LeishmaniaCompiledStatAnalysisLMJFiltered.EX.txt (file)302 KBLena (exception file)1
17:45, 5 December 201320131205 teamATK KM compiledrawdata 4hr GMAPP.gex (file)2.48 MBKmeilak 1
17:55, 5 December 201320131119 teamATK KM compiledrawdata 24hr GMAPP.gex (file)2.48 MBKmeilak 1
17:58, 5 December 201320131119 teamATK KM compiledrawdata 48hr GMAPP.gex (file)2.48 MBKmeilak 1
18:04, 5 December 2013LeishmaniaGDB Lena Gabe 20131203.gdb (file)29.04 MBLena 1
18:06, 5 December 2013Ctrachomatis EbtoRb ATP metabolic process.mapp (file)180 KBDwilliams (EB to RB ATP Metabolic Process Mapp file)1
18:06, 5 December 2013Ctrachomatis EbtoRB glucose catabolic process 20131204 DW.mapp (file)180 KBDwilliams (EB to RB glucose catabolic process map)1
18:06, 5 December 2013CTrachomatis EBtoRB Rifampicin 20131204 DW-Criterion1-GO.txt (file)139 KBDwilliams (EB to RB Rifampicin go.txt file)1
18:07, 5 December 2013For GenMAPP Chlamydia V4 20131204 KS.gex (file)476 KBDwilliams (For_GenMAPP .gex file)1
18:07, 5 December 2013For GenMAPP Chlamydia V4 20131204 KS.gmf (file)3.36 MBDwilliams (For GenMAPP .gmf file)1
18:10, 5 December 2013For GenMAPP Chlamydia V4 20131204 (file)521 BDwilliams (Access file created with .gex file)1
18:11, 5 December 201320131119 teamATK KM compiledrawdata (1) (1).xls (file)85.59 MBKmeilak 1
18:12, 5 December 2013Leishmania TallyResults 05122013.PNG (file)39 KBLena 1
18:17, 5 December 20132013125-Complete processed Data MPM.gex (file)5.04 MBMpetredi (GEX file created with 5535 errors)1
18:25, 5 December 2013Leishmania Match Results 05122013.PNG (file)54 KBLena 1
18:31, 5 December 2013SinorhizobiumMeliloti LM GenMapp DataSheet.txt (file)4 MBLaurmagee 2
18:43, 5 December 2013C-Std 20131124 HD 24112013.gdb (file)9.82 MBHDelgadi 1
18:48, 5 December 2013Leishmania Match Results 05122013 2.PNG (file)70 KBLena 1
18:51, 5 December 2013Leishmania postgres.PNG (file)71 KBLena 1
18:51, 5 December 2013Leishmania Postrges2.PNG (file)76 KBLena 1
19:10, 5 December 2013Leishmania OriginalRowCounts 05122013.PNG (file)176 KBLena 1
19:31, 5 December 2013EB to RB No Rif V2-Criterion0-GO.txt (file)129 KBDwilliams (Increased)1
19:31, 5 December 2013EB to RB No Rif V2-Criterion1-GO.txt (file)134 KBDwilliams (Deceased)1
19:36, 5 December 2013For GenMAPP Chlamydia V4 20131205 KS.gex (file)476 KBDwilliams (Color set created in GenMAPP for EB to RB no rifampicin and increased/decreased logFC criteria)1
19:37, 5 December 2013Dist Leishmania Lena Gabe (file)12.81 MBLena 1
19:37, 5 December 2013For GenMAPP Chlamydia V4 20131205 KS.gmf (file)4.7 MBDwilliams (File created by MAPPFinder after creating the latest color set.)1
00:11, 8 December 2013Leishmania OrginialRowCounts 07122013.PNG (file)179 KBGleis 1
01:00, 8 December 2013Picture GO.PNG (file)100 KBKevinmcgee 1
01:05, 8 December 2013LeishmaniaGDB Lena Gabe (file)3.33 MBGleis 1
01:21, 8 December 2013LMajorGOMapp-Criterion1-GO.txt (file)92 KBKevinmcgee 1
01:22, 8 December 2013LMajorGOMapp-Criterion0-GO.txt (file)93 KBKevinmcgee 1
19:38, 8 December 2013RefSeq.JPG (file)54 KBAjvree 1
19:45, 8 December 2013UniProtIDs.JPG (file)52 KBAjvree 1
22:18, 10 December 201320131210 tATK filteredresults.xls (file)18 KBKmeilak 1
22:30, 10 December 201320131210 tATK sugar transmembrane transporter activity.mapp (file)180 KBKmeilak 1
00:11, 11 December 2013Streptococcus schema 20131210.pdf (file)267 KBKmeilak 1
21:09, 11 December 201320131211 tATK sugar transmembrane transporter activity.mapp (file)180 KBKmeilak 1
00:11, 12 December 2013S.Meliloti schema 20131205.pdf (file)269 KBSlouie (scheme for README)1
00:20, 12 December 2013Match Test Sheet1.pdf (file)1.71 MBSlouie 1
00:22, 12 December 2013Ensembl snip.JPG (file)17 KBAjvree 1

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