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(added link to week 1 journal entry)
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:new and exciting technologies and can't wait to see where the human race ends
:new and exciting technologies and can't wait to see where the human race ends
:up in the future!
:up in the future!
== Assignments and Entries ==
== Assignments and Entries ==

Revision as of 05:11, 6 September 2013


Personal Info

Name: Kurt Alan Gosch II

Email: goschwork AT gmail DOT com

Address: 12963 Runway Rd. #410 Playa Vista, CA 90094


August 2004 - May 2009

Loyola Marymount University

Graduated class of 2009
Bachelors degree in Film Production

August 2011 - Present

Loyola Marymount University

Currently enrolled
Bachelors degree in Computer Science

Work Experience

Activision/Blizzard Inc

Test Systems Engineer (Quality Assurance)
Functionality testing for game software and maintenance of
found bugs database. Also assigned to high priority teams with
strict deadlines and high work load. Selected multiple times
for new projects by request of project managers.

Paramount Studios

Intern and personal assistant to Bobby Cohen
Worked in the post-production offices and alongside
editors. Experience both on and off the set for productions
such as "Star Trek (2009)" and "Transformers:The Movie".

Interests and Hobbies

I can be summed up in the label of being a "gamer". I love to both play
and work with games, both console/PC and physical boardgames. My hobbies
include gaming, flying (I am currently earning my pilots license!), and
nerding out with my friends over a wrestling match (WWE style, not the real stuff).
I have a strong interest in the general field of science and love reading about
new and exciting technologies and can't wait to see where the human race ends
up in the future!

Assignments and Entries

Shared Class Journal

Week 1
Personal tools
