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(3. Leishmania Major Articles)
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#: Many of the most recent articles that cited this paper were involved in studying drug resistance of Leishmania major and studied related pathogenic parasites using sequence comparative analysis, for example.  
#: Many of the most recent articles that cited this paper were involved in studying drug resistance of Leishmania major and studied related pathogenic parasites using sequence comparative analysis, for example.  
#:Link to the results page for our reference genome article-- http://apps.webofknowledge.com/CitingArticles.do?product=WOS&SID=4BN9U1ila7MPj92Jjlp&search_mode=CitingArticles&parentProduct=WOS&parentQid=3&parentDoc=1&REFID=518694
#:Link to the results page for our reference genome article-- http://apps.webofknowledge.com/CitingArticles.do?product=WOS&SID=4BN9U1ila7MPj92Jjlp&search_mode=CitingArticles&parentProduct=WOS&parentQid=3&parentDoc=1&REFID=518694
==='''[[3. Leishmania Major Articles]]'''===
==='''[[Leishmania Major Articles|3. Leishmania Major Articles]]'''===

Revision as of 18:11, 31 October 2013


Team 3

Team Members:

  1. Kevin McGee : GenMAPP User
  2. Lena Hunt : Quality Assurance
  3. Viktoria Kuehn : GenMAPP User
  4. Gabriel Leis : Coder

Organism: Leishmania Major

Reference Genome Article

  1. The Genome of the Kinetoplastid Parasite, Leishmania major (Reference Genome)
    This article was found via the PubMed database and the key terms used were "Leishmania Major [MeSH Terms] AND Genome [Title]"
    This search resulted in 30 articles, about 5 seemed relevant but this one was the first which had the entire genome
    Citation for paper:
    Ivens, AC et al. 2005 Jul 15. The genome of the kinetoplastid parasite, Leishmania major. Science;309(5733):436-42.
    Pdf of the reference article: Leishmania Reference Article PDF
  2. The genome sequencing article was used to do a prospective search on the Web of Knowledge database.
    There were 696 results found that referenced this article, the most recent one was in October 2013.
    Many of the most recent articles that cited this paper were involved in studying drug resistance of Leishmania major and studied related pathogenic parasites using sequence comparative analysis, for example.
    Link to the results page for our reference genome article-- http://apps.webofknowledge.com/CitingArticles.do?product=WOS&SID=4BN9U1ila7MPj92Jjlp&search_mode=CitingArticles&parentProduct=WOS&parentQid=3&parentDoc=1&REFID=518694

3. Leishmania Major Articles

Data Links

Leishmania Major Helpful Links

Leishmania Major Home Page

Leishmania Major Articles
Template:Leishmania Major Navigation
Template:Leishmania Major File Updates
The Plan

Team Members:

Viktoria (GenMAPP User, Project Manager)
Gabriel (Coder)
Lena (Quality Assurance)
Kevin (GenMAPP User)

Status Reports:

Leishmania major Week 12 Status Report
Leishmania major Week 13 Status Report

Relevant Project Links:

Gene Database Project
Gene Database Project Report Guidelines
Project Manager
Quality Assurance
GenMAPP User
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