Difference between revisions of "Ksherbina Project Notebook"

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(Creating Custom Species Profile: Deleted some steps and added new ones)
(Creating Custom Species Profile: Added info on customized the species profile)
Line 73: Line 73:
#*Dondi modified the name to ChlamydiaTrachomatisSerovarAUniProtSpeciesProfile.
#*Dondi modified the name to ChlamydiaTrachomatisSerovarAUniProtSpeciesProfile.
#Customized the species profile.
#Customized the species profile.
:*Opened the new profile and added the lines of code as specified in [[Coder|"Customize the Species Profile"]] directions.
::*Still need to insert the species-specific URL that returns a web page describing a gene for that species.
==Week 13==
==Week 13==

Revision as of 07:33, 15 November 2013

Katrina Sherbina
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Week 12

Starting the Set Up of the Testing Environment

  1. Downloaded the following software onto my personal computer:
  2. Created an account on SourceForge.

Import/Export of Gene Database

  1. Downloaded the UniProt XML for C. trachomatis serovar A strain HAR-13: Uniprot XML C.trachomatis serovar A KS 20131114.xml
  2. Downloaded the GOA file for C. trachomatis serovar A: 22183.C trachomatis A KS 20131114.goa
  3. Created a new database in pgAdminIII: CT_KS_20131114_gmb2b71
    • Created tables in the database by executing the script in the file gmbuilder.sql.
  4. Launched gmbuilder-32bit.bat:
  5. Configured the database in gmbuilder:
    • Host or address: localhost
    • Port number: 5432
    • Database name: CT_KS_20131114_gmb2b71
    • Username: postgres
    • Password: <password of the PostgreSQL database created above>
  6. Imported the UniProt XML file into the PostgreSQL database through gmbuilder.
  7. Imported the OBO-XML file into the PostgreSQL database through gmbuilder.
    • gmbuilder was not able to completely process the data. See the testing report below for details.
  8. Imported the GOA file into into the PostgreSQL database through gmbuilder.
    • I did not begin the actual export of the database due to the problem with processing the OBO-XML file.

Testing Report

Version of GenMAPP Builder: 2.0b71

Computer on which export was run: Personal computer

Postgres Database name: CT_KS_20131114_gmb2b71

UniProt XML filename: Uniprot_XML_C.trachomatis_serovar_A_KS_20131114.xml

  • UniProt XML version (The version information can be found at the UniProt News Page): UniProt release 2013_11
  • Time taken to import: 1.70 min

GO OBO-XML filename: Go_daily-termdb_v2_HD_20131107.obo-xml

  • GO OBO-XML version (The version information can be found in the file properties after the file downloaded from the GO Download page has been unzipped):
  • Time taken to import: 9.29 min
  • Time taken to process: Could no complete the process. The following error came up when gmbuilder was processing the 81000 term:
ERROR edu.lmu.xmlpipedb.gmbuilder.GenMAPPBuilder  - java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:
Java heap space

GOA filename: 22183.C_trachomatis_A_KS_20131114.goa

  • GOA version (News on this page records past releases; current information can be found in the Last modified field on the FTP site):
  • Time taken to import: 0.02 min

Name of .gdb file:

  • Time taken to export .gdb:
  • Upload your file and link to it here.


Creating Custom Species Profile

  1. On one of the class computers in the first row, I launched Eclipse with Subclipse.
  2. Went to Window > Open Perspective > Other > SVN Repository Exploring.
  3. Defined a new subversion by clicking on Add Repository and adding the URL https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xmlpipedb/code. Clicked Finish.
  4. Double-clicked on trunk, right-clicked on gmbuilder, and chose Checkout....
  5. Created a new project (chose Check out as a project configured using the New Project Wizard).
  6. Went to Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs. Added a new environment with JDK.
  7. Double-clicked on the project folder.
  8. Double-clicked on the lib folder.
  9. Shift-clicked and selected all files in the lib folder and then control-clicked on every file inside the lib folder whose name does not end in .jar. Right-click on one of them and choose Build Path > Add to Build Path from the popup menu that comes up.
  10. Created a species profile called ChlamydiaTrachomatisSerovarA.
    • Dondi modified the name to ChlamydiaTrachomatisSerovarAUniProtSpeciesProfile.
  11. Customized the species profile.
  • Still need to insert the species-specific URL that returns a web page describing a gene for that species.

Week 13

Personal tools
