Kmeilak Week 3
From LMU BioDB 2013
Week 2
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Link to html: [file:///C:/Users/Kevin/Desktop/Week%203%20homework.html link to Kevin's html]
XMLPipeDB Match Practice
1. The Match command that tallies the occurrences of the pattern GO:000916. in the 493.P_falciparum.xml file is
- There are 2 unique matches
- the first unique match (go:0009165) appears twice, and the second unique match (go:0009168) appears once
- The pattern GO:000916. represents
2. The Match command that tallies the occurrences of the pattern \"James.*\" in the 493.P_falciparum.xml file is
- There are 2 unique matches
- The first unique match ("james k.d.") appears 8238 times and the second unique match ("james a.a.") appears 1 time
- The pattern \"James.*\" represents