User talk:Kmeilak
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Week 1 Feedback
You show decent coverage of wiki skills, with just a few items missed. Your external file should be referenced using Media: instead of an external link (i.e., let the wiki do as much work for you as possible). Also, don’t forget your email of concerns/questions.
Items for completion/follow-up:
- Email about worries/concerns/questions/anything else
- Create a new wiki page
- Link to an external site
- Comments inside the wiki markup
- Link to the shared journal from your user page
—Dondi (talk) 09:38, 3 September 2013 (PDT)
I answered your question on my user talk page. — Kdahlquist (talk) 14:10, 5 September 2013 (PDT)
Week 1 Follow-up Feedback
Thank you for completing all of the items from last week! You’ve demonstrated the full set of basics now. I have some very minor comments:
- When doing an external link, the separator between the address and the text that you want the link to have is a space, not a vertical bar (|). That is why your LinkedIn page does not show the intended label. Replace that vertical bar with a space and the link will appear as you intended (I presume)
- Your direct link to your section of the shared journal is a good idea, but you didn’t have the correct label after the #. You have “#Kevin” there, when it should be “#Kevin_Meilak.” (you can tell because when you mouse over your name on the table of contents, that is what shows up after the # in the link address.
Good job! Keep it up.
—Dondi (talk) 15:29, 8 September 2013 (PDT)
Week 2 Feedback
- Thank you for submitting your assignment on time!
- As we discussed in class, your translation of all six frames was incorrect. There was probably a mistake in the sequence or it was translated in the wrong direction. Please use the ExPaSY tool to translate it and figure out where you went wrong. As was noted in class, you have the opportunity to earn back the points you missed by making the corrections requested on the Week 3 Assignment page and the corrections listed below. The corrections are due by midnight on Friday, September 20 (thursday night/friday morning).
- You did not link from your individual journal entry back to your user page.
- You did not put the category "Journal Entry" on your individual journal page.
- If you add these to your template and then use your template on every journal entry, then you don't have to worry about forgetting them for subsequent assignments.
- The Nirenberg article was written as a memoir for other practicing biochemists, so it was dense to novices. Hopefully, it was still a good read.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 15:03, 11 September 2013 (PDT)
Week 2 Follow-up
- Thank you for making all requested corrections.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 14:58, 11 October 2013 (PDT)
Week 3 Feedback
- Thank you for submitting your assignment on time!
- Your sed and match skills are great! All of your commands were correct.
- For the match questions, you did not provide speculative answers on what the search patterns could represent.
- Your user page was missing a link to the Class Journal Week 3 page. Strongly consider using a template for this, so that you will only need to edit these links in one place. Let me know if you need additional help with getting a template to work as needed.
—Dondi (talk) 22:25, 14 September 2013 (PDT)
Week 4 Feedback
Thank you for submitting your work on time! Here’s how your “automated annotation” work turned out, item by item. Items that had issues are italicized:
- -35 box was correctly identified with an appropriate command.
- -10 box was correctly identified with an appropriate command.
- Your transcription start site was off by one base.
- Ribosome binding site was correctly identified with an appropriate command.
- Start codon was correctly identified with an appropriate command.
- Stop codon sequence was correctly identified, but the supplied command does not indicate its location.
- The terminator sequence was correctly identified but the command used to identify it makes more assumptions than were given in the consensus information.
- The mRNA strand matches the range given by the transcription start site and the terminator but it was complemented when it should not have been.
- The amino acid sequence was incorrect, and no command was given to show where the computation might have gone wrong.
In terms of your wiki link routine, everything was there—keep it up!
Let me know if you have any questions.
—Dondi (talk) 22:56, 24 September 2013 (PDT)
Makeup Point Update
You have been credited for making the following change(s) to a wiki link checklist:
- The missing link from your user page to the Week 3 shared journal page has been added.
If you have any questions, let me know. Thank you!
—Dondi (talk) 22:05, 29 September 2013 (PDT)
Week 5 Feedback
This is feedback on the Week 5 individual assignment (UniProt Exercise) and shared class reflection. Feedback on your Database wiki page will come later.
- Thank you for submitting your assignment on time.
- Your electronic lab notebook was neat and complete. Moving forward starting with the Week 8 assignment, this will be an important part of each weekly assignment. Keep in mind the guideline that you or someone else should be able to reproduce what you did using only the information on your journal entry page. Your page could have been enhanced by showing one or more screenshots from your database exploration.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 16:01, 8 October 2013 (PDT)
Week 5 Database Wiki
- This assignment is complete and on time.
- You are missing a link from your user page to the Spliceosome Database wiki page you created. You are using your template well to provide all of the other links, don't forget to add this one.
- The assignment asked for links to all pages from which you answered the questions, not just one link to the main page of the database.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 14:05, 11 October 2013 (PDT)
Week 6 Feedback
Thank you for submitting everything on time!
- The wiki markup for movies-with-apostrophe query does not reproduce the query correctly because the wiki interprets repeated apostrophes as starting either bold or italic text; to render the apostrophes accurately, you need the nowiki tag (like this: '''' [view the wiki source to see how it’s done]).
- In your movies-beginning-with-the-word-“Star” query, you miss adding a space before the % in your "Star%" pattern—this matches more rows than desired, because without the space, your query will also get movies whose titles start with the words “Stare,” “Startle,” “Stark,” or “Start,” to name a few.
- Your last, individual query joins the member table, but that table is not actually necessary. When working with databases, we are sensitive to doing more work than necessary, because sometimes this additional work strongly detracts from speed, particularly if the tables contain large numbers of rows. An extra but unnecessary join will also, in some cases, change the results that you get back.
- The 8th query, which requests for counts by rating, is missing the group by clause. Thus, you needed to manually tally up the number of movies that got each individual rating. This was manageable for the small data set, but becomes unwieldy with large ones.
- The 9th query, which seeks the average rating for movies beginning with the word “Star,” has the same issue as the 4th query.
- All your other database queries were correct and properly documented.
- You have settled very nicely into the habit of providing all of the requested links that make the navigation of your wiki work as easy as possible.