Talk:Chlamydia trachomatis
From LMU BioDB 2013
Revision as of 22:44, 4 November 2013 by Kdahlquist (Talk | contribs)
Week 10 Feedback
- Thank you for submitting your team page on time.
- We are expecting roughly equal contributions from all team members; Dillon only made a few saves compared to Katrina and Hilda.
- As for the construction of your team page, you have only provided links to the User pages for your team. There are some additional useful links that you could provide for your team's page, what should they be?
- We encourage you to create a template for your team's useful links.
- The full bibliographic reference needs to be provided for microarray reference 1.
- You have only provided links to the HTML versions of the papers; please provide direct links to the PDF downloads for these articles.
- Microarray reference one is approved for your project (you can comment out the references to the other microarray papers so that they don't appear on the page). You will need to talk to me in class to discuss how to proceed with the data.
- It appears that there are indeed four biological replicates, not just technical replicates of the samples.
- Because of some issues with the gene IDs provided on the microarray chip, you may opt to use the following paper for your journal club instead of the one you found in your literature search:
— Kdahlquist (talk) 14:41, 4 November 2013 (PST)