Kevinmcgee Week 15

From LMU BioDB 2013
Revision as of 18:52, 5 December 2013 by Kevinmcgee (Talk | contribs)

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Uploading Into GenMAPP


  1. compiled all data onto a single data sheet including both L.Major and L.Infantum and uploaded into GenMAPP
    • Ran into some problems uploading (almost everything was an error)
  2. Filtered out any Lin genes and created a new datasheet for only LmfJ genes.
    • Still ran into problems uploading
  3. looked at the database OrthologicalNames sheet, and saw that the GeneID's were in a different format on there then in the spreadsheet.
    • Made a quick-fix file by changing the names on the spreadsheet, but longterm fixes are being made to the coding so that other users do not have to change the names on their spreadsheets every time (for convenience).
  4. Were able to upload our data and continue on with the project.

Sanity Check

Leishmania Infantum

  1. Filtered P-value
    • 1392 genes were <.05
    • 327 genes were <.01
    • 67 genes were <.001
    • 28 genes were >.0001
  2. Filtered Average Log Fold Change
    • 748 genes were >0
    • 646 genes were <0
    • 699 genes were >.25 while 646 were <.05
    • 748 genes were >.05 while 606 were <.-25

MAPPFinder Color Changes

  1. The colors were assigned to the two main criterion
    • Increased relative to control had a Log FC> 0.25 and P-Value <0.05 these were colored blue
    • Decreased relative to control had a Log FC< -0.25 and P-Value <0.05 these were colored purple

Running MAPPFinder

  1. Set up MAPPFinder to run with the file name LMajorGOMap
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