Mpetredi Week 7

From LMU BioDB 2013
Revision as of 05:01, 10 October 2013 by Mpetredi (Talk | contribs)

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5.Transcription vs Time MP.jpeg


  • gene X @ 1 hour: black
  • gene X @ 3 hour: dim red
  • gene X @ 5 hours: black
  • gene X @ 9 hours: medium green
  • gene Y @ 1 hour: black
  • gene Y @ 3 hours: dim red - medium red
  • gene Y @ 5 hours: dim green - black
  • gene Y @ 9 hours: bright green
  • gene Z @ 1 hour: black
  • gene Z @ 3 hours: dim red
  • gene Z @ 5 hours: dim red
  • gene Z @ 9 hours: dim red

7. Yes. Genes X and Y both exhibited a similar repression at the 5 hour mark, and continued to repress at the 9 hour mark.

9. Most spots are yellow in the first time point because it takes some time for the cDNAs to find a binding site. Gradually, more cDNAs will find binding sites and will start to exhibit transcription and change colors accordingly.

10. TEF4 was repressed throughout the experiment, since it became more green as time elapsed. TEF4 is involved with binding aminoacyl-tRNA to ribosomes, so a shortage of available glucose would force the gene to express less in order to conserve energy for more important functions.

11. TCA cycle genes would be induced when there's a short supply of glucose because the TCA cycle serves as an alternative energy resource for the cell when needed, as in this case; therefore, it is necessary for these genes to turn on in order for the TCA cycle to commence.


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