HDelgadi Week 8

From LMU BioDB 2013
Revision as of 21:56, 13 October 2013 by HDelgadi (Talk | contribs)

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Digital Lab Notebook

Continuation of classwork on Thursday October 10th [Microarray Analysis Vibrio cholerae]:

  1. Columns B through Q were selected by highlighting the very first row of these 16 columns. Then scroll down to the last row of these columns. Hold down the 'Shift' button and highlight the entire columns. Click on the format button which is directly below the 'Delete' button under the 'Home' tab.
  2. Click on 'Format Cells' and 'Number' under the 'Number' sub-category.
  3. Select two decimal places and click 'OK'.
  4. Follow steps 1 through 3 with columns R and S and select 4 decimal places rather than 2.
  5. Select columns N through S from the very first cells, not just the values, and right click to press the 'Cut' button.
  6. Select column B by right clicking on B and select "Insert Cut Cell"
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