Ajvree Week 8
Part 1 In-Class Excel Text File:
Original Excel File:
When Filtered p-value less than 0.05, 948 results were found.
Errors found on txt file: 121
Partners errors: 772
My partner has more errors probably because it is an older database, and many of the errors were corrected in the next year's database.
Rows that had errors:
Top ten gene ontology results:
1) branched chain family amino acid metabolic process
2)branched chain family amino acid biosynthetic process
3)IMP metabolic process
4)IMP biosynthetic process
5)purine ribonucleoside monophosphate metabolic process
6)purine nucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process
7)purine ribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process
8)arginine metabolic process
9)cellular nitrogen compound biosynthetic process
10)ribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process
Partner had different results. Since they had significantly more errors, it may have skewed the available data and changed the rankings.
Searched for: VC0028