Gleis Week 12
From LMU BioDB 2013
Lab Journal
- Checked out code from sourceforge @
- Followed directions to configure new project wizard
- Entered name and clicked finish
- Add JDK work environment
- Window>preferences>Java
- Follow direction to build path and use as source folder
- Begin adding species profile
- src folder> edu.lmu.xmlpipedb.gmbuilder.databasetoolkit.profiles
- right click and New > Class
- enter the following:
Name: LeishmaniaMajorUniProtSpeciesProfile (no spaces, capitalizing the first letters of each word) Superclass: edu.lmu.xmlpipedb.gmbuilder.databasetoolkit.profiles.UniProtSpeciesProfile (you can also click on Browse... to navigate to this if you don’t feel like typing)
- clicked finish
- open new java file
- add constructor from Coder
Eclipse>workbench>+canister>follow coder instructions>window>
use antbuild in eclipse
use firstobject xml
customize src>right click datbase profiles>follow coder page
Identify MOD- species pattern link
Run export and check for database update