Stephen Louie Project Notebook
From LMU BioDB 2013
Contents |
Week 12
- Gave presentation for Genome paper to class
- Conducted meeting with guilds. No meeting was conducted for Quality Assurance
- Sat in on GenMAPP builder guild meeting for absent teammate
- Downloaded and extracted data source files with Mitchell
- UniProt XML
- Followed directions provided Here
- Note:Current directions were not working. Follow these instructions for your respective species
- From Running GenMAPP Builder page, clicked on the UniProt-GOA Downloads link.
- Was given an error message. Changed url from "ftp" to "http" at beginning.
- Was entered, was taken to Index of/pub/database/GO/goa
- Clicked on "proteomes" folder
- Directed to Index of /pub/databases/GO/goa/proteomes. Downloaded 58.R_meliloti.goa
- Note: R. meliloti is an alternative name to S. Melitoti.
- Followed directions provided Here
- UniProt XML
- Created new database in PostgreSQL
- Followed directions provided Here
- Imported data into PostgreSQL
- Followed directions provided Here
- UniProt XML took 19.17 minutes
- GO OBO-XML took 17.81 minutes to import and to 15.54 minutes process
- GOA file took less than a minute
- Exported Gene Database
- Followed directions provided Here
- Export took ~8 hours