Kmeilak Week 2
From LMU BioDB 2013
Week 2 Individual Journal Assignment
+1 strand: nonsense strand, first codon is stop codon.
+2 strand: M-P-P-A-E-L-A-A-G-L-T-A-E-H-G-I-S-H-T
+3 strand: L-C-R-Q-R-N-W-R-L-G-Y-T-R-N-M-V-L-A-Y (note: strand does not begin with Methionine, cannot exist)
-1 strand: M-L-I-P-C-S-A-T-A-P-A-A-V-P-A-G-G-I-L
-2 strand: V-L-stop (nonsense strand, does not begin with Methionine and terminates two amino acids in)
-3 strand: M-L-I-P-C-S-A-Y-N-H-P-P-V-P-W-P-H-F
the +1, -3, and -1 reading frames are open reading frames.
Week 2 corrected
Initial sequence
Complementary sequence
- +1 strand: R-M-L-I-P-C-S-A-Y-N-P-A-A-S-S-A-G-G-I-L
- +2 strand: V-C-stop-Y-H-V-P-R-I-T-Q-P-P-V-P-L-A-A-F
- +3 strand: Y-A-N-T-M-F-R-V-stop-P-S-R-Q-F-R-W-R-H-F
- -1 strand: stop-N-A-A-S-G-T-G-G-W-V-I-R-G-T-W-Y-stop-H-T
- -2 strand: K-M-P-P-A-E-L-A-A-G-L-Y-A-E-H-G-I-S-I
- -3 strand: K-C-R-Q-R-N-W-R-L-G-Y-T-R-N-M-V-L-A-Y
the +1, -2, and -3 reading frames are open reading frames.0