User talk:Kmeilak
From LMU BioDB 2013
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Week 1 Feedback
You show decent coverage of wiki skills, with just a few items missed. Your external file should be referenced using Media: instead of an external link (i.e., let the wiki do as much work for you as possible). Also, don’t forget your email of concerns/questions.
Items for completion/follow-up:
- Email about worries/concerns/questions/anything else
- Create a new wiki page
- Link to an external site
- Comments inside the wiki markup
- Link to the shared journal from your user page
—Dondi (talk) 09:38, 3 September 2013 (PDT)
I answered your question on my user talk page. — Kdahlquist (talk) 14:10, 5 September 2013 (PDT)
Week 1 Follow-up Feedback
Thank you for completing all of the items from last week! You’ve demonstrated the full set of basics now. I have some very minor comments:
- When doing an external link, the separator between the address and the text that you want the link to have is a space, not a vertical bar (|). That is why your LinkedIn page does not show the intended label. Replace that vertical bar with a space and the link will appear as you intended (I presume)
- Your direct link to your section of the shared journal is a good idea, but you didn’t have the correct label after the #. You have “#Kevin” there, when it should be “#Kevin_Meilak.” (you can tell because when you mouse over your name on the table of contents, that is what shows up after the # in the link address.
Good job! Keep it up.
—Dondi (talk) 15:29, 8 September 2013 (PDT)
Week 2 Feedback
- Thank you for submitting your assignment on time!
- As we discussed in class, your translation of all six frames was incorrect. There was probably a mistake in the sequence or it was translated in the wrong direction. Please use the ExPaSY tool to translate it and figure out where you went wrong. As was noted in class, you have the opportunity to earn back the points you missed by making the corrections requested on the Week 3 Assignment page and the corrections listed below. The corrections are due by midnight on Friday, September 20 (thursday night/friday morning).
- You did not link from your individual journal entry back to your user page.
- You did not put the category "Journal Entry" on your individual journal page.
- If you add these to your template and then use your template on every journal entry, then you don't have to worry about forgetting them for subsequent assignments.
- The Nirenberg article was written as a memoir for other practicing biochemists, so it was dense to novices. Hopefully, it was still a good read.
— Kdahlquist (talk) 15:03, 11 September 2013 (PDT)
Week 3 Feedback
- Thank you for submitting your assignment on time!
- Your sed and match skills are great! All of your commands were correct.
- For the match questions, you did not provide speculative answers on what the search patterns could represent.
- Your user page was missing a link to the Class Journal Week 3 page. Strongly consider using a template for this, so that you will only need to edit these links in one place. Let me know if you need additional help with getting a template to work as needed.