Class Journal Week 4

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Miles Malefyt

  1. What was the most beneficial aspect of working collaboratively on this assignment?

The most beneficial part of working on the assignment with someone else is that If I make a mistake there is always someone there to point out that mistake

  1. What was the most challenging aspect of working collaboratively on this assignment?

The hardest part is to find times when both of us are available

  1. Would it have been easier to do this work by hand/pencil? Why or why not?

For a very short sequence of genes I think it would be easier to use a pensil and paper but with very long sequences, the computer would be the preferred choice

  1. What strategies did you use to check the correctness of your work?

I went over the code and attempted to pinpoint the places that didn't work when I input the code into the computer. Expasy was also helpful to find the conjugated pairs

Alina Vreeland

  1. What was the most beneficial aspect of working collaboratively on this assignment?

Having someone to bounce ideas off of was extremely helpful, since we could work through it together and have a better chance of getting the correct answer. it also saved some time, since multiple people would be working towards the same answers.

  1. What was the most challenging aspect of working collaboratively on this assignment?

Finding time to meet and actually work on the assignment together was the hardest part.

  1. Would it have been easier to do this work by hand/pencil? Why or why not?

It probably would have been easier, just because your brain processes the commands you want without actually having to tell the commands before being able to come up with a product.

  1. What strategies did you use to check the correctness of your work?

Entering the code we came up with into the system was a good way to see if it actually worked and got the results that we expected. We also referred to our crib sheet to see if we used the commands properly.

Ajvree (talk) 12:36, 17 September 2013 (PDT)

Hilda Delgadillo

  1. What was the most beneficial aspect of working collaboratively on this assignment?
  2. What was the most challenging aspect of working collaboratively on this assignment?
  3. Would it have been easier to do this work by hand/pencil? Why or why not?
  4. What strategies did you use to check the correctness of your work?

HDelgadi (talk) 19:20, 18 September 2013 (PDT)

Lauren Magee

  1. I think the most beneficial aspect of working collaboratively on this assignment is having another brain to tap into. Sometimes its hard to remember all of the different commands used in putty, so it's nice to have someone else who might be able to investigate with me, or if I am lucky, remember the command themselves. It's also nice to return the favor and help out one of your peers, because when you teach the material back to someone else, it is better instilled within yourself as well.
  2. The most challenging aspect is finding time to meet with those who you are paired up with. Everyone has such busy and inflexible schedule, so it is hard to find common ground.
  3. It would not have been easier to do this work on paper, I know from first hand experience. It is very time consuming to translate the DNA and note the specific areas of interest, such as the ribosome binding site.
  4. I checked my hand written translation by entering the original sequence into ExPUSy and selecting the appropriate translate buttons. It was also helpful to check my work against the results of the putty translation that we programed. However, I thought it was also helpful to check my programming against my previously translated sequence, to make sure my commands were correct.

Laurmagee (talk) 01:33, 19 September 2013 (PDT)

Lena Hunt

  1. What was the most beneficial aspect of working collaboratively on this assignment?
    • It was nice to have a partner to bounce ideas with. I think I am less likely to get frustrated and give up when there is someone else who can suggest new things to try.
  2. What was the most challenging aspect of working collaboratively on this assignment?
    • Definitely scheduling. I have almost non-stop classes Wednesday and Thursday, and finding time to work with someone else is really difficult.
  3. Would it have been easier to do this work by hand/pencil? Why or why not?
    • Yeah, I think it would have. We did this in class and it took way less time. Although, if we were working on a longer strand, and doing it by hand, it would be very time-consuming. I think that once I get used to the commands, it will seem easier by computer, but at the moment, I have more practice with pen and paper.
  4. What strategies did you use to check the correctness of your work?
    • We're still working on ours, but just general knowledge of the processes helps. The coding strand we found initially was very small, and didn't seem likely to be the right answer.
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