Class Journal Week 6

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Lauren Magee

  1. What was your initial, gut reaction to the “Stranger Visions” project?
    • My initial reaction was that this project was absolutely amazing and innovative! Then I started to wonder whether my hair had been sequenced, but then I realized I had never been to New York, so that was impossible. I suppose it does have a "creepy" factor to it as well, but I think the fact that our technology is so advanced to create a human face based off a strand of hair should be applauded and not criticized.
  2. What kinds of data are stored in the biological databases used by “Stranger Visions,” and how are these used?
    • "Stranger Visions" uses past knowledge of certain "snips" to determine the facial features of an individual from their hair sample. "Snips" are sections on a gene that codes for specific phenotypes. "Stranger Visions" isolated the "snips" involved in facial formation and created a database based upon them.
  3. What connections or similarities, if any, do you see between the tools and methods used by “Stranger Visions” and the tools and methods that you have been exposed to in this course?
    • The project uses DNA sequencing against database information to make informed decisions about a person's facial structure. We have done numerous activities with DNA sequences, including transcribing and translating nucleotides into amino acids. Through the knowledge of the amino acid sequences, we can determine what protein in coded for and what function it may serve in the individual. We can do this by looking at databases that contain information on protein functions.
  4. Has your view of biological data, and what can be done with it, changed since the beginning of the semester? Why or why not?
    • My view of what can be done with biological data has definitely changed since the beginning of the semester. I struggle a lot with finding creative outlets in science, because before my college career, art had been a huge part of my life. In "Stranger Visions", especially, and in this course as a whole, I am getting invaluable exposure to projects that fuse more than one focus and allow for more than one passion to be expressed.

Laurmagee (talk) 02:36, 1 October 2013 (PDT)

Kevin Meilak

  1. My initial reaction was a feeling of discomfort coming from the knowledge that almost anyone could perpetrate a massive invasion of privacy of anyone in a public place.
  2. Stranger Visions uses gene sequences, procedural data, as well as single nucleotide polymorphisms all of which is used to recreate the faces of people from a DNA sample they have left in a public place.
  3. The tools and methods in this video are similar to those we have been exposed to in the course. The person leading this project has to access gene databases, databases for single nucleotide polymorphisms, and databases of research materials to learn procedural information and interpretation of the sequences in order to recreate a person's face.
  4. My view of biological data in and of itself has not changed; what has is what can be done with it. By using databases, one is able to not only access enormous quantities of information but use it to achieve anything from researching a particular protein to recreating a stranger's face.

Kmeilak (talk) 20:56, 1 October 2013 (PDT)

Mitchell Petredis

  1. After watching the video, I felt fascinated, concerned, and a little skeptical about the Stranger Visions project. It's remarkable that our body can leave behind such detailed information about ourselves, which can only get better in the future; however, as time progresses, technology becomes more sophisticated, easier to use, and accessible to more people that ultimately leads to privacy concerns (especially after the recent NSA leaks). Finally, I found it a little hard to believe how accurate the Stranger Visions project can be, given that there's always a chance of bias when it comes to using DNA of people that are known to Dewey-Hagborg (e.g. herself, Manu Sporny, and Orta from her portraits page). A better way to test the accuracy of these portraits would be to use a pool of test subjects that would only present their facial identities to Dewey-Hagborg until after the portraits are created.
  2. Stranger Visions utilizes SNPs or "snips" that consist of a DNA fragment that display certain phenotypes and other biological factors (e.g. eye color, type of hair, chances of obesity, etc.)
  3. Stranger Visions reminds me of how PostgreSQL works in that once a sequence is properly identified, Dewey-Hagborg searches on a database for any matches pertaining to the sequence and what functions or purpose it has. In our PostgreSQL example, the search queries were already provided to us, which were then used to identify particular results that only pertain to a specific query.
  4. I knew biology can tell us a lot about ourselves and the world around us, but I never really thought that using biological data could be used to recreate complex faces. Collaboration with databases is crucial to expanding the scientific community and sharing our knowledge for generations to come.

Mpetredi (talk) 17:27, 2 October 2013 (PDT)Mitchell Petredis

Kevin McGee

  1. After watching the video, my first initial reaction was that this is very creepy and could be considered an infringement of privacy. But then I began to see the creativity and innovation of the project, and it truly amazed me. It also made me think about how the world we live in is changing rapidly due to this leap in gene technology.
  2. The database holds single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNP's, which are base pairs that differ from person to person that show differences in a person.
  3. Many of the tools we use are similar. The scientist in this video sent things to be coded by companies, has written her own coding programs, and has access to all the databases on the internet.
  4. My view has definitely changed. I am beginning to see how scientists put all of this vast amount of data together to do some really amazing things with it. This video was very cool and showed a creative way of using it, but other scientists are also doing a lot of amazing things with the information and technology that can be used today.

Kevinmcgee (talk) 12:10, 3 October 2013 (PDT)

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