Gleis Week 7

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Introduction to MicroArrays

5. Mrna-expression.jpg

  • series 1=DIT1 gene
  • series 2=SPS100 gene

6b. In format (gene,color at 1hr,color at 3hr, color at 5hr, color at 9hr)

(X,black,dim red,black,medium green)
(Y,black,medium red,dim green,bright green)
(Z,blak,dim red,dim red,dim red)

7. Gene X and Gene Y both exhibited an induction in transcription followed by a repression of transcription. Gene Z showed continuous induction of expression.

9. Most spots would be yellow at the first time point because there was little change in the percent of oxygen given to the cells. As a result there would be no reason for the cells to change levels of expression.

10. Over the course of the experiment TEF4 expression was repressed.TEF4 expression was repressed because available glucose declined. The decline of the cells energy caused the cell to repress expression of any genes that would result in the occurrence of high energy reactions. The TEF4 gene is involved in the energy intensive process of translational and was therefore down regulated in the absence of glucose.

11. Genes involved in the TCA cycle would be induced to produce as much energy the cell can while glucose is still available.

12. The genome could induce expression of a transcription that could in turn induce expression of all genes in a given pathway.

13. A bright red color would show up on a DNA chip when TUP1 was deleted. The TUP1 gene encodes for a repressor so as a consequence of removal of the repressor gene expression would be induced.

14. Red color spots would be seen at any location where the expression of a gene is tied to resistance of environmental stresses.

15. If the transcription factor induces expresser of a repressor protein this could ultimately lead to the repression of a gene. If a repressor protein is lost that prevents the transcription of a repressor then a particular gene would be repressed.

16. There should be controls for both the Tup1p gene and the Yap1p gene. All genes unassociated with the gene of interest and all related genes should be representative of the control. If the gene was truly over expressed or deleted then a stark contrast should be noticeable between the control and the gene of interest with all other non related genes similar to the control group.

Gleis (talk) 19:27, 9 October 2013 (PDT)

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