Ajvree Week 10

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10/29/13 Lecture Notes

  • Library homepage>Libguides>link to BIO 367>databases
  • Open access: physics(peer sharing) and life sciences (availability of granted research)
  • PMC Journal: information designated by govt to be available to all
  • Now authors pay journal to have information published, makes open access controversial
  • http://libguides.lmu.edu/BIOL367
  • Google scholar ranks articles, dates will be all over the place, etc.
  • MeSH terms: medical subheading
  • information needed: a reference genome for species/main reference strand, usually the earliest date

Search Results:

Article 1:

  • Searched Web of Science for transcriptional profiling Streptococcus pneumoniae under topic, got 38 results.
  • Found article titled : Gene expression profile of early in vitro biofilms of Streptococcus pneumoniae (Mukesh Kumar Yadav et al., 2012)
  • Used Google Scholar to search for full article
  • Article PDF involves comparing microarray data of S. pneumoniae biofilm to planktonic cells. 21 biological microarray replicates were done, with the control being the planktonic cells.
  • Searched article for location of microarray data, located here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo under

accession number GSE34751

Yadav, M. K., Kwon, S. K., Cho, C. G., Park, S.-W., Chae, S.-W. and Song, J.-J. (2012), Gene expression profile of early in vitro biofilms of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Microbiology and Immunology, 56: 621–629.

  • Based on this report and other titles listed while searching, a lot of research regarding vaccines against the pathogenic strain is popular, in addition to research on how to prevent the bacteria from growing.

Article 2:

  • Found second article using references from first article, looked for key words in title about transcription activity/microarray data
  • link to article: [1]
  • Full Citation:

Ng, WL, Kazmierczak, KM Robertson, GT, et al., 2003. Transcriptional regulation and signature patterns revealed by microarray analyses of Streptococcus pneumoniae R6 challenged with sublethal concentrations of translation inhibitors. Journal of Bacteriology. Volume 185, Issue 1, Pages 359-370.

  • In this experiment, cell cultures were exposed to 4 different translation inhibitors to determine the effect on the transcript activity. The control used was a 1% DMSO culture that contained no antibiotics. There were 3 replicates done of the microarray analysis, and Northern blot analysis was also used.

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