Talk:Leishmania major

From LMU BioDB 2013
Revision as of 23:30, 4 November 2013 by Kdahlquist (Talk | contribs)

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Week 10 Feedback

  • Thank you for submitting your team's page on time, although I see revisions were made to the page containing the microarray bibliography after the deadline.
  • You have not yet selected your Project Manager. Please do so before class on Tuesday, 11/5/13.
  • You have not chosen a team name. Please do so before class on Tuesday, 11/5/13.
  • We are expecting to see roughly equal contributions from all team members. Lena did not contribute to the team's page this week.
  • Good to see that you have created a template for your team. What other useful links could you provide there?
    • In addition to the category for your species, you could add the category "Group Projects"
  • For your genome article, you provide a link to the PubMed abstract instead of to the HTML version of the article. The PDF version links to PubMedCentral instead of to the publisher web site. Please fix these links.
    • Your link to the web of science results does not work since it refers to an expired database session. A screenshot would have been better to show those results.
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