Leishmania Major Articles

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Reference Genome Article

The Genome of the Kinetoplastid Parasite, Leishmania major (Reference Genome)

This article was found via the PubMed database and the key terms used were "Leishmania Major [MeSH Terms] AND Genome [Title]"
This search resulted in 30 articles, about 5 seemed relevant but this one was the first which had the entire genome
Citation for paper:
Ivens AC, Peacock CS, Worthey EA, Murphy L, Aggarwal G, Berriman M, Sisk E, Rajandream MA, Adlem E, Aert R, Anupama A, Apostolou Z, Attipoe P, Bason N, Bauser C, Beck A, Beverley SM, Bianchettin G, Borzym K, Bothe G, Bruschi CV, Collins M, Cadag E, Ciarloni L, Clayton C, Coulson RM, Cronin A, Cruz AK, Davies RM, De Gaudenzi J, Dobson DE, Duesterhoeft A, Fazelina G, Fosker N, Frasch AC, Fraser A, Fuchs M, Gabel C, Goble A, Goffeau A, Harris D, Hertz-Fowler C, Hilbert H, Horn D, Huang Y, Klages S, Knights A, Kube M, Larke N, Litvin L, Lord A, Louie T, Marra M, Masuy D, Matthews K, Michaeli S, Mottram JC, Müller-Auer S, Munden H, Nelson S, Norbertczak H, Oliver K, O'neil S, Pentony M, Pohl TM, Price C, Purnelle B, Quail MA, Rabbinowitsch E, Reinhardt R, Rieger M, Rinta J, Robben J, Robertson L, Ruiz JC, Rutter S, Saunders D, Schäfer M, Schein J, Schwartz DC, Seeger K, Seyler A, Sharp S, Shin H, Sivam D, Squares R, Squares S, Tosato V, Vogt C, Volckaert G, Wambutt R, Warren T, Wedler H, Woodward J, Zhou S, Zimmermann W, Smith DF, Blackwell JM, Stuart KD, Barrell B, Myler PJ. The genome of the kinetoplastid parasite, Leishmania major. Science, 2005 Jul 15. 309(5733):436-42.

Microarray Articles

1.Genome-wide gene expression profiling analysis of Leishmania major and Leishmania infantum developmental stages reveals substantial differences between the two species.

  • I typed in "Leishmania Major" in the organism field and "Array assay" in the technology field and filtered down my results.
  • There were 11 results, 4 seemed relevant
  • This experiment compared the gene expression profiles between between promastigote and amastigote developmental stages of Leishmania major and Leishmania infantum.
  • Ten assays were performed.
  • Rochette, A., Raymond F., Ubeda JM., Smith M., Messier N., Boisvert S., Rigault P., Corbeil J., Ouellette M., Papadopoulou B. Genome-wide gene expression profiling analysis of Leishmania major and Leishmania infantum developmental stages reveals substantial differences between the two species. BMC Genomics, (2008 May 29). 9:255.
  • Link to article on Author's site

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