Kevinmcgee Week 12

From LMU BioDB 2013
Revision as of 18:51, 14 November 2013 by Kevinmcgee (Talk | contribs)

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  1. Downloaded SDRF file off of the wiki.
  2. Started to edit SDRF file
    • Left the following columns while deleting the rest:
      • Source NAme
      • Characteristics
      • Comment (Sample_description)
      • Comment (Sample_source_name)
      • Label
      • Array Data File
  3. Filtered the file down to only L.Infantum samples
  4. Was left with the following image
    • SDRFL.Infantum (1).PNG
    • This image showed me what data was where when looking at the raw data files
  5. Proceeded to go into each data file for L.Infantum and keeping the name of each gene along with the log ratio of each gene.
  6. Compiled all data into a single sheet
  7. Was left with the following image
    • L.InfantumCompiledRawData.PNG
  8. Uploaded the Compiled Raw data file onto the wiki
    • Sdrf file was uploaded by Viktoria
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