Leishmania major Week 12 Status Report

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Status Update

  • Import/Export Cycle
  • Journal Club Presentation
  • File Management
  • Started new version of GenMapp builder for Leishmania
  • Edited the files from last week, and compiled data on a spread sheet
  • For the intermediate milestones for the project deliverables and detailed file updates see The Plan

Off The Leish

Lena Hunt Reflections

1.) This week's accomplishments were running a full successful import/export cycle, deciding on a file management system, and presenting on our journal article in class on 11/12/13.
2.) Next week's target accomplishments are to get familiar with the ID systems, and then characterize regular expression patterns to detect the IDs across programs.
3.) This week, I think our team showed a willingness to work together and spend time on the project. Gabriel and I stayed late in the lab working on our import/export cycle. The whole team spent several hours in the library working on the Leishmania major journal club presentation. I think that everyone shared work equally and maintained a positive attitude when working through problems.
4.) The team weakness that was seen this week was probably just uncertainty about what to do. We were able to work through our questions and got help from Dr. Dionisio, but some time was lost figuring out what we should be doing. For next week, we can familiarize ourselves with the steps that need to be taken so that we can be on top of our work.

Lena (talk) 10:37, 14 November 2013 (PST)

Kevin McGee Reflections

  1. Our key accomplishments for this week was being able to compile all of our data on L. Major and L.Infantum that we need onto one spreadsheet. Once we are done editing it, we will be able to do statistical analysis and import into GenMAPP. We also presented on our reference article.
  2. Next week, we plan to have all statistical analysis done and be importing our data onto GenMAPP
  3. We were all able to split up and accomplish many of our own personal milestones that in the end bring our team closer to our goals.
  4. There wasn't that much communication. While working on our own things, we weren't sure what the other people on our team were doing.

Kevinmcgee (talk) 11:07, 14 November 2013 (PST) Leishmania major

Viktoria Relfections

  1. What were the week’s key accomplishments?
    The key accomplishments this week were getting familiar with our group and communicating about what everyone was trying to get finished. The GenMAPP users successfully downloaded the micro array data and compiled the necessary data and prepared it for statistical analysis.
  2. What are next week’s target accomplishments?
    Next week's target accomplishments are to figure out which of the data sets correspond to what part of the paper. We then need to run the statistical analysis.
  3. What team strengths were seen this week?
    Some strengths for this week were collaborating with the group and making sure that everyone was doing their part. We have tried to stay on top of the work and to get as much done as possible o give us time if any problems arise to fix them.
  4. What team weaknesses were seen this week?
    Some team weaknesses were keeping the big picture in mind and knowing what our future steps are towards finishing the project.

Vkuehn (talk) 11:21, 14 November 2013 (PST)

Gabriel's Week 12 Reflections

  1. What were the week's key accomplishments
    • Great presentation! Began customization necessary for database
  2. What are next week’s target accomplishments?
    • Identify MOD URL pattern for use in customization code. Perform an export in GenMapp to identify successful database update for Leishmania. Begin customization using expression patterns of Gene IDs
  3. What team strengths were seen this week?
    • Everyone demonstrated a willingness to do the work necessary to successfully complete the project. Additionally the group remained positive and we were collectively able to make great headway on the project.
  4. What team weaknesses were seen this week?
    • Any weaknesses seen this week were typical of a developing team. When communication and organizational line are further developed any weaknesses identified thus far should fall to the way side.

Gleis (talk) 11:52, 14 November 2013 (PST)

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