Leishmania major Week 13 Status Report
From LMU BioDB 2013
Contents |
Import/Export GenMAPP
Export Information
- Uniprot: 7.42 minutes
- File:UniprotXML Leishmania 05112013 Gabe Lena.xml
- GO OBO: 5.96 minutes
- File:Leishmania 05112013 Gabe Lena.obo-xml.gz
- GOA: 0.04 minutes
- File:LeishmaniaGOA 19112013 Lena Gabe.goa
Tally Engine
Original Row Counts Comparison
Lena Hunt
GenMAPP Data
- Adjusted the dye swaps
- renamed the samples and compiled the microarray data or each species.
- Data now ready for statistical analysis