Teamname Week 13 Status Report
From LMU BioDB 2013
Team Name
Lauren Magee: Reflection Questions
- What were the week’s key accomplishments?
- I was able to finalize a spreadsheet with the Gene IDs and corresponding log((Cy5 Signal- Cy5 background)/(Cy3 Signal- Cy3 background)) for every replicate (1-3) in the following file: File:Full Raw Data.xls. I was also able to clean up the data, so it was ready for the protocol used to prepare the [Vibrio cholerae] data in Week 8 for GenMapp analysis.
- What are next week’s target accomplishments?
- Next week, I will hopefully be able to finish the protocol mentioned above and have a data file ready for GenMapp.
- What team strengths were seen this week?
- We were more geared toward independent work this week, so all of our tasks were done on our own time. I think my teammates and I worked well in dividing our duties and taking responsibility for its completion. If one person fails to include their part, then the project is halted to a certain degree. Therefore, it is very important we all stay on top of our personal assignments and hold each other accountable.
- What team weaknesses were seen this week?
- I don't think we had any blatant weakness this week, but in the future I think we could all work on our communication with one another. Since we were all doing our own assignments this week, I think we lost track of each other and what was getting done outside of our own role.