TATK Week 13 Status Report
From LMU BioDB 2013
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Week Goals and Status Report
1. To create the compiled raw data file
- This was completed by Kevin on 11/18/13 and uploaded to the team wiki page
Next Steps
- To fix the issues with the compiled raw data file
- To follow the instructions concerning the normalization of data and begin statistical tests
Goals for Next Week
- Compiled raw data file from Kevin
Team Reflections
Kevin Meilak
1. What worked?
- I was able to make the compiled raw data file
2. What didn't work?
- I was not able to fix the issues with the compiled raw data file or begin statistical tests due to travel
3. What will I do next to fix what didn't work?
- Work with the data over the weekend
Alina Vreeland
What were the week’s key accomplishments?
- All three exports were completed, along with the counting from all the different programs. We were able to start analyzing the data and comparing the gene id's.
What are next week’s target accomplishments?
- To start navigating through the microarray data and
What team strengths were seen this week?
What team weaknesses were seen this week?
- It was unfortunate that Kevin wasn't able to join us on Thursday this week, since he has been working the closest with the microarray data.