Electronic notebook: sinorhizobium meliloti
From LMU BioDB 2013
Week 12
- Read the paper on the salinity and sucrose stress on gene expression
- Sorted the raw data into an XML file
- started to compile the raw data
Week 13
- I continued to sort the raw data and began to process the data in an xls file
- this was a very repetitive part because it involved a lot of replications for each time set
- finished my compiled raw data and processed raw data, as well as the data ready for GenMAPP
- Made individual LOG fold change ratios for each time point replicate then averaged all of the LOG fold change ratios for each of the time points
- preformed a Tstat test
- Preformed a Pvalue test
- added a row of N next to the gene ID name in the forGenMAPP tab
- uploaded all the files to the wiki at the team page
week 15
- I worked on some of the mistakes that I had made in my prior data sets
- removed AVG_LOGFC_ALL row
- added individual Pvalues and TSTAT for each individual replicate of the experiment instead of one Tstat and P value for the whole experiment
- sanity check concluded the number of genes significantly changed at each time point
- T15- 5520
- T30- 7484
- T60- 6711
- T240- 5901
- Removed all of the #DIV/0! from the data that was transferred over to the GenMapp data
- had to change names of the columns in order to correctly upload to GenMAPP
- system code column was renamed
- Gene ID column was renamed to ID
- it appears that there is something wrong with the actual gene IDs that is not compatible with GenMAPP