Vkuehn Week 15

From LMU BioDB 2013
Revision as of 18:48, 5 December 2013 by Vkuehn (Talk | contribs)

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Sanity Check

  • P-value less than 0.05: 5303
  • P-value less that 0.01: 2130
  • P-value less that 0.001: 317
  • P-value less that 0.0001: 0
  • Out of the 19201 T tests performed, more than 960 results had a P-value less than 0.05. Since 5303 genes passed this cut off it means that there were some significant changes.
  • Keeping the "Pvalue" filter at p < 0.05, filter the "Avg_LogFC" column to show all genes with an average log fold change greater than zero. These were the ones that increased relative to control. There were 2970
  • Genes with an average log fold change less than zero. These were the ones that decreased relative to control. There were: 2334
  • Average log fold change of > 0.25 and p < 0.05: 2861
  • Average log fold change of < -0.25 and p < 0.05: 2431

GenMAPP Expression Dataset Manager

  • For exact procedure reference [Vkuehn Week 13] or the procedure from http://www.openwetware.org/wiki/BIOL367/F10:GenMAPP_and_MAPPFinder_Protocols
  • The colors were assigned to the two main criterion
    • Increased relative to control had a Log FC> 0.25 and P-Value <0.05 these were colored blue
    • Decreased relative to control had a Log FC< -0.25 and P-Value <0.05 these were colored purple

GenMAPP Finder

ran genmapp and waiting for results to be generated

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