Gleis Week 15
From LMU BioDB 2013
Lab Journal
- Code needed ID changes in Eclipse
- Replaced first period with an "_" and removed second "_"
- Replaced to look like "LMJF_##_####"
- First export failed due to minor error in Eclipse code
- Initiated Gene Database Testing Report
- Began new export with edited code for database
- Need to review errors in GenMAPP
- New export somewhat successful
- Database not catching errors of the form LmjF##.#####
- IDs not present in XML follow the form LmjF01.[0160-1983]
- Except IDs ending in zero are found in XML for example IDs Lmjf01.0160 and LmjF01.1970 are found but IDs LmjF01.016[1-9] and LmjF01.197[1-9]would not be found