Final Project Deliverables
From LMU BioDB 2013
- GenMAPP Gene Database for assigned species (.gdb): Media:LeishmaniaGDB Lena Gabe
- ReadMe file to accompany the Gene Database (.pdf): Media:ReadMe Leishmania 20131212.pdf
- Gene Database Testing Report for final submitted Gene Database (print from wiki to .pdf file): Media:Leishmania Gene Database Testing Report.pdf
- Processed and analyzed DNA microarray dataset (.xls): File:L.majorStats.xls,Media:L.infantumStats_B.xls
- GenMAPP Expression Dataset file (.gex): Media:LeishmaniaCompiledStatAnalysisLMJFiltered(B).gex
- Filtered MAPPFinder Results (.xls)
- Sample MAPP file of a relevant biological pathway for your species (.mapp)
- Group Report describing the creation of the Gene Database and the biological analysis of the data (.doc or .pdf)
- PowerPoint presentation (.ppt, given on Thursday, December 12): Media:Leishmania PowerPoint 12122013.pdf