Difference between revisions of "Jwoodlee Week 14"

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(Build, Test, and Possibly Commit: added one line to the procedure)
(Milestone 4: Species Export Customization: added more of what we did)
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=== Milestone 4: Species Export Customization ===
=== Milestone 4: Species Export Customization ===
#Trixie noticed that the microarray data has IDs that have CP#### and SF####.# not the typical SF####, which will need to accounted for.
#Trixie noticed that the microarray data has IDs that have CP#### and SF####.# not the typical SF####, which will need to accounted for.
#This week, we edited the gmbuilder.properties file in eclipse as found in the Quality Assurance guild page.  We added lines for our species.

Revision as of 05:21, 8 December 2015

Milestone 3: Species Profile Creation

Majority of the procedure was from here.

Adding a Species Profile to GenMAPP Builder

In the Java perspective within Eclipse(change perspective on the top right), the following was executed.

Create the Species Profile
  1. I exposed the contents of the src folder in my gmbuilder project.
  2. Right-clicked on the edu.lmu.xmlpipedb.gmbuilder.databasetoolkit.profiles package and chose New > Class from the popup menu.
  3. In the dialog that appears, I entered the following:
    • Name: ShigellaflexneriUniProtSpeciesProfile
    • Superclass: edu.lmu.xmlpipedb.gmbuilder.databasetoolkit.profiles.UniProtSpeciesProfile
  4. Clicked Finish. A new .java file within the edu.lmu.xmlpipedb.gmbuilder.databasetoolkit.profiles package was created.
Customize the Species Profile
  • I opened the file that I just created.
  • I added the following constructor block right below the public class line in the new file.
public ShigellaflexneriUniProtSpeciesProfile() {
    super("Shigella flexneri",
        "This profile customizes the GenMAPP Builder export for " +
            "Shigella flexneri" +
            " data loaded from a UniProt XML file.");
  • I added the following method block right below the constructor block that I added above.
public TableManager getSystemsTableManagerCustomizations(TableManager tableManager, DatabaseProfile dbProfile) {
    super.getSystemsTableManagerCustomizations(tableManager, dbProfile);
    tableManager.submit("Systems", QueryType.update, new String[][] {
        { "SystemCode", "N" },
        { "Species", "|" + getSpeciesName() + "|" }

    tableManager.submit("Systems", QueryType.update, new String[][] {
        { "SystemCode", "N" },
        { "Link", "http://www.mgc.ac.cn/cgi-bin/ShiBASE/ShiBASE_query.cgi?synonym=~" }

    return tableManager;
  • I chose Organize Imports from the Source menu to make sure I had everything imported.
Add the Species Profile to the Catalog of Known Species Profiles
  • Under edu.lmu.xmlpipedb.gmbuilder.databasetoolkit.profiles, I opened UniProtDatabaseProfile.java.
  • Near the top of the file is a block that looks like this:
    "This profile defines the requirements "
        + "for any UniProt centric gene database.",
    new SpeciesProfile[] {
    new EscherichiaColiUniProtSpeciesProfile(),
    new ArabidopsisThalianaUniProtSpeciesProfile(),
    new PlasmodiumFalciparumUniProtSpeciesProfile(),
    new VibrioCholeraeUniprotSpeciesProfile() });
  • I added the species profile that I created to the block.
    "This profile defines the requirements "
        + "for any UniProt centric gene database.",
    new SpeciesProfile[] {
    new EscherichiaColiUniProtSpeciesProfile(),
    new ArabidopsisThalianaUniProtSpeciesProfile(),
    new PlasmodiumFalciparumUniProtSpeciesProfile(),
    new VibrioCholeraeUniprotSpeciesProfile(),
    new ShigellaflexneriUniProtSpeciesProfile() });
  • I saved changes and selected Organize Imports.
Build, Test, and Possibly Commit
  1. I created a new distribution of GenMAPP Builder.
    • Expanded the custom project, scrolled down the build.xml and right clicked it. In the menu that appeared I clicked on Ant Build... (with ellipses). Now in the menu that appeared I deselected dist, and selected clean, dist in that order. The build order was now clean, dist so it will wipe the current version of genmappbuilder and create a new distribution. I clicked run.
  2. With Trixie, we performed a new export run with this custom version of GenMAPP Builder. A new .gdb was created.
  3. I checked the Systems table in the resulting .gdb with Microsoft Access and verified that it contained the custom information:
    • The record OrderedLocusNames was there with the species name under the Species column and our link URL under the Link column.
  4. Opened up a gene in GenMAPP with the custom .gdb created to make sure the link that I inserted was working properly.
  5. I then committed the custom version of GenMAPP builder to our GitHub branch.

Milestone 4: Species Export Customization

  1. Trixie noticed that the microarray data has IDs that have CP#### and SF####.# not the typical SF####, which will need to accounted for.
  2. This week, we edited the gmbuilder.properties file in eclipse as found in the Quality Assurance guild page. We added lines for our species.