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(Files as of 10/22/15: added GO and MAPPFinder files)
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== Overview of Microarray Data Analysis ==
This is a list of steps required to analyze DNA microarray data.
# Quantitate the fluorescence signal in each spot in the microarray image.
#* Typically performed by the scanner software, although third party software packages do exist.
#* The image of the microarray slide and this quantitation are considered the "raw-est" form of the data.
#* Ideally, this type of raw data would be made publicly available upon publication. 
#* In practice, the image data is usually not made available because the raw image file of one slide could be up to 100 MB in size.
#* Also, some journals do not require data deposition as a requirement for publication, so often published data are not actually available anywhere for download.
#* Microarray data is not centrally located on the web.  Some major sources are:
#** [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/ NCBI GEO]
#** [http://www.ebi.ac.uk/microarray-as/ae/ EBI ArrayExpress]
#** [http://smd.princeton.edu/ Stanford Microarray Database (now hosted by Princeton)]
#** [http://puma.princeton.edu/ PUMAdb (Princeton Microarray Database)]
#** In addition, microarray data can sometimes be found as supplementary information with a journal article or on an investigator's own web site.
# Calculate the ratio of red/green fluorescence
# Log(base 2) transform the ratios
# Normalize the log ratios on each microarray slide
# Normalize the log ratios for a set of slides in an experiment
# Perform statistical analysis on the log ratios
# Compare individual genes with known data
# Look for patterns (expression profiles) in the data (many programs are available to do this; we are going to skip this step)
# Perform Gene Ontology term enrichment analysis (we will use MAPPFinder for this)
# Map onto biological pathways (we will use GenMAPP for this)
In this week's exercise, we will do steps 5-7 (part 1, using Microsoft Excel) and 9-10 (part 2, using GenMAPP & MAPPFinder).
== Statistical Analysis of ''Vibrio cholerae'' Microarray Data (Part 1) ==
== Statistical Analysis of ''Vibrio cholerae'' Microarray Data (Part 1) ==
* We will begin this analysis in class on Thursday, October 15.
=== Files as of 10/22/15 ===
* The detailed instructions for the microarray data analysis we will carry out can be found on the [http://www.openwetware.org/wiki/BIOL398-01/S10:Sample_Microarray_Analysis_Vibrio_cholerae Sample Microarray Analysis for ''Vibrio cholerae'' page] hosted by [http://www.openwetware.org OpenWetWare.org].  
* [[Media:Merrell_Compiled_Raw_Data_Vibrio_NA_20151015.xls | Current Spreadsheet]]
<!-- [[File:Merrell_Compiled_Raw_Data_Vibrio_NA_20151015.xls]] -->
* [[Media:Merrell_Compiled_Raw_Data_Vibrio_NA_20151015_GenMAPP.txt | Text file for GenMAPP]]
<!-- [[File:Merrell_Compiled_Raw_Data_Vibrio_NA_20151015_GenMAPP.txt]] -->
* [[Media:Merrell_Compiled_Raw_Data_Vibrio_NA_20151015_GenMAPP_Exceptions.EX.txt | GenMAPP Errors File]]
<!-- [[File:Merrell_Compiled_Raw_Data_Vibrio_NA_20151015_GenMAPP_Exceptions.EX.txt]] -->
* [[Media:Merrell_Compiled_Raw_Data_Vibrio_NA_20151015_Expression_ColorSet.gex | Expression Color Set]]
<!-- [[File:Merrell_Compiled_Raw_Data_Vibrio_NA_20151015_Expression_ColorSet.gex]] -->
* [[Media:GenMAPP-Results-Criterion1-GO_NA_Decreased.txt | MAPPFinder Gene Ontology Results]]
<!-- [[File:GenMAPP-Results-Criterion1-GO_NA_Decreased.txt]] -->
* [[Media:Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine_synthase_activity_NA.mapp | Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine Synthase Activity MAPP]]
<!-- [[File:Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine_synthase_activity_NA.mapp]] -->
* '''The below instructions are from the [http://www.openwetware.org/wiki/BIOL398-01/S10:Sample_Microarray_Analysis_Vibrio_cholerae Sample Microarray Analysis for ''Vibrio cholerae'' page] hosted by [http://www.openwetware.org OpenWetWare.org].'''
=== Normalize the log ratios for the set of slides in the experiment ===
=== Normalize the log ratios for the set of slides in the experiment ===
To scale and center the data (between chip normalization) perform the following operations:
* '''The below instructions are from the [http://www.openwetware.org/wiki/BIOL398-01/S10:Sample_Microarray_Analysis_Vibrio_cholerae Sample Microarray Analysis for ''Vibrio cholerae'' page] hosted by [http://www.openwetware.org OpenWetWare.org].'''
* Insert a new Worksheet into your Excel file, and name it "scaled_centered".
* First, I downloaded the data file from [http://www.openwetware.org/wiki/Media:Merrell_Compiled_Raw_Data_Vibrio.xls Open Wet Ware].
* Go back to the "compiled_raw_data" worksheet, Select All and CopyGo to your new "scaled_centered" worksheet, click on the upper, left-hand cell (cell A1) and Paste.
* To scale and center the data (between chip normalization), I performed the following operations:
* Insert two rows in between the top row of headers and the first data row.
** I inserted a new Worksheet into the Excel file, and name it "scaled_centered".
* In cell A2, type "Average" and in cell A3, type "StdDev".
** In the "compiled_raw_data" worksheet, I pressed <code>Command + A</code>to select everything, and then copied it allI pasted the information in the "scaled_centered" sheet.
* You will now compute the Average log ratio for each chip (each column of data). In cell B2, type the following equation:
** I Inserted two rows in between the column headers and the first row of data.
** I typed "Average" in cell A2 and "StdDev" in cell A3.  
: and press "Enter".  Excel is computing the average value of the cells specified in the range given inside the parentheses.  Instead of typing the cell designations, you can click on the beginning cell, scroll down to the bottom of the worksheet, and shift-click on the ending cell.
** Now I needed to compute the Average Log Ration for each column. In cell B2, I typed the following equation: <pre> =AVERAGE(B4:B5224) </pre>
* You will now compute the Standard Deviation of the log ratios on each chip (each column of data).  In cell B3, type the following equation:
** To compute the Standard Deviation, I typed the following equation in cell B3: <pre> =STDEV(B4:B5224) </pre>
** To apply the formula to all of the columns, I dragged the small box on the bottom right-hand corner across each column to apply it to all columns.  
: and press "Enter". 
**Next, I copied the column headings and pasted them to the right of C4to create a second set of headers.  I edited the names of the columns so they read:  A1_scaled_centered, A2_scaled_centered, etc.
* Excel will now do some work for you.  Copy these two equations (cells B2 and B3) and paste them into the empty cells in the rest of the columns.  Excel will automatically change the equation to match the cell designations for those columns.
** In cell N4 under the column titled "A1_scaled_centered", I typed the following equation: <pre> =(B4-B$2)/B$3 </pre>
* You have now computed the average and standard deviation of the log ratios for each chip.  Now we will actually do the scaling and centering based on these values.
** I clicked cell N4, then double-clicked the small box on the bottom right when the cursor turned into a plus so that it applied to every row in the column.  
* Copy the column headings for all of your data columns and then paste them to the right of the last data column so that you have a second set of headers above blank colums of cellsEdit the names of the columns so that they now read:  A1_scaled_centered, A2_scaled_centered, etc.
** I dragged the formula from N4 across the remaining columns to apply it to all of them, then applied the formula to all of the rows of the columns.
* In cell N4, type the following equation:
: In this case, we want the data in cell B4 to have the average subtracted from it (cell B2) and be divided by the standard deviation (cell B3).  We use the dollar sign symbols in front of the "2" and "3" to tell Excel to always reference that row in the equation, even though we will paste it for the entire column of 5221 genes. '''''Why is this important?'''''
* Copy and paste this equation into the entire column.  One easy way to do this is to click on the original cell with your equation and position your cursor at the bottom right corner. You should see your cursor change to a thin black plus sign (not a chubby white one). When it does, double click, and the formula will magically be copied to the entire column of genes.
* Copy and paste the scaling and centering equation for each of the columns of data with the "_scaled_centered" column header.  Be sure that your equation is correct for the column you are calculating.
=== Perform statistical analysis on the ratios ===
=== Perform statistical analysis on the ratios ===
We are going to perform this step on the scaled and centered data you produced in the previous step.
* To perform the statistical analysis, I performed the following steps:
** First, I inserted a new worksheet and named it "statistics".
* Insert a new worksheet and name it "statistics".
** I copied the first column from the "scaled_centered" worksheet (the column titled ID), then pasted the column into the new sheet.
* Go back to the "scaling_centering" worksheet and copy the first column ("ID").
** Back in the "scaled_centered" sheet, I copied all of the columns with "_scaled_centered" in the titles and pasted them using "Edit -> Paste Special -> Values" in the "statistics" sheet, starting at cell B1.
* Paste the data into the first column of your new "statistics" worksheet.
** Then, I deleted rows 2 and 3 from "statistics" (Average/StdDev).
* Go back to the "scaling_centering" worksheet and copy the columns that are designated "_scaled_centered".
** To the right of my "_scaled_centered" columns, I created three columns, titled "Avg_LogFC_A", "Avg_LogFC_B", and "Avg_LogFC_C".
* Go to your new worksheet and click on the B1 cell.  Select "Paste Special" from the Edit menu.  A window will open: click on the radio button for "Values" and click OK.  This will paste the numerical result into your new worksheet instead of the equation which must make calculations on the fly.
** To compute the average log fold change for the replicates, I typed in cell N2 under "Avg_LogFC_A" the equation: <pre> =AVERAGE(B2:E2) </pre>
* Delete Rows 2 and 3 where it says "Average" and "StDev" so that your data rows with gene IDs are immediately below the header row 1.
** I applied the formula to the entire column, as well as to the next two columns.
* Go to a new column on the right of your worksheet.  Type the header "Avg_LogFC_A", "Avg_LogFC_B", and "Avg_LogFC_C" into the top cell of the next three columns.
** Now I needed to computer the average of the averages.  In the column after "Avg_LogFC_C", I created a new column titled "Avg_LogFC_all". Under the column header, I typed the equation: <pre> =AVERAGE(N2:P2) </pre>
* Compute the average log fold change for the replicates for each patient by typing the equation:
** After applying the formula to the whole column, I created a new column called "Tstat" next to the "Avg_LogFC_all". Under this column header, I entered the following equation: <pre> =AVERAGE(N2:P2)/(STDEV(N2:P2)/SQRT(3)) </pre>
** I then applied it to all rows in the column.
: into cell N2.  Copy this equation and paste it into the rest of the column
** Next to the "Tstat" column, I labeled the next column "Pvalue".  In the cell below the label, I entered the equation:  <pre> =TDIST(ABS(R2),2,2) </pre> <!-- when sorting by p<0.05, should be 948 values-->
* Create the equation for patients B and C and paste it into their respective columns.
** Then, I applied the formula to all of the rows in the column.
* Now you will compute the average of the averages.  Type the header "Avg_LogFC_all" into the first cell in the next empty column.  Create the equation that will compute the average of the three previous averages you calculated and paste it into this entire column.
* Insert a new column next to the "Avg_LogFC_all" column that you computed in the previous step. Label the column "Tstat".  This will compute a T statistic that tells us whether the scaled and centered average log ratio is significantly different than 0 (no change).  Enter the equation:
=AVERAGE(N2:P2)/(STDEV(N2:P2)/SQRT(number of replicates))
: (NOTE: in this case the number of replicates is 3.  Be careful that you are using the correct number of parentheses.)  Copy the equation and paste it into all rows in that column.
* Label the top cell in the next column "Pvalue".  In the cell below the label, enter the equation:   
=TDIST(ABS(R2),degrees of freedom,2)
The number of degrees of freedom is the number of replicates minus one, so in our case there are 2 degrees of freedom.  Copy the equation and paste it into all rows in that column.
=== Calculate the Bonferroni p value Correction ===
=== Calculate the Bonferroni p value Correction ===
* Now we will perform adjustments to the p value to correct for the [https://xkcd.com/882/ multiple testing problem].  Label the next two columns to the right with the same label, Bonferroni_Pvalue.
* I labeled the next two columns to the right of the "Pvalue" column with the same label, "Bonferroni_Pvalue".
* Type the equation <code>=<(Pvalue>*5221</code>, Upon completion of this single computation, use the trick to copy the formula throughout the column.
* Under the first "Bonferroni_Pvalue" column, I typed the equation: <pre> =S2*5221 </pre>  
* Replace any corrected p value that is greater than 1 by the number 1 by typing the following formula into the first cell below the second Bonferroni_Pvalue header: <code>=IF(s2>1,1,s2)</code>.  Use the trick to copy the formula throughout the column.
* Then, I applied the formula to the whole column. In order to replace any corrected P value that was greater than 1 with the number 1, I typed the following formula under the header of the second "Bonferonni_Pvalue" column: <pre>=IF(T2>1,1,T2)</pre>.   
* I applied the formula to the whole column.
=== Calculate the Benjamini & Hochberg p value Correction ===
=== Calculate the Benjamini & Hochberg p value Correction ===
* Insert a new worksheet named "B-H_Pvalue".
* To calculate the B&H p value correction, I began by creating a new worksheet and naming it  "B-H_Pvalue".
* Copy and paste the "ID" column from your previous worksheet into the first column of the new worksheet.  
* I coped and pasted the "ID" column from the "statistics" worksheet into the second column.  
* Insert a new column on the very left and name it "MasterIndex". We will create a numerical index of genes so that we can always sort them back into the same order.
* I named the first column "MasterIndex". I typed a 1 in cell A2 and a 2 in cell A3, selected both cells, then double-clicked the box in the right-hand corner to fill the entire column.
** Type a "1" in cell A2 and a "2" in cell A3.
* Using "Paste Special -> Values", I copied the Pvalue column from "statistics" into column C.
** Select both cells. Hover your mouse over the bottom-right corner of the selection until it makes a thin black + sign. Double-click on the + sign to fill the entire column with a series of numbers from 1 to 5221 (the number of genes on the microarray).  
* I selected columns A, B, and C, and sorted by ascending order on Column C. To do this, I selected Data -> Sort. I sorted by column C, smallest to largest.
* For the following, use Paste special > Paste values.  Copy your unadjusted p values from your previous worksheet and paste it into Column C.
* In cell D1, I typed the header "Rank". This column will contain the p value rank, from smallest to largest.  I repeated the same process that I used for the "MasterIndex" column in order to fill the column with numbers from 1 to 5,221.  
* Select all of columns A, B, and C. Sort by ascending values on Column C. Click the sort button from A to Z on the toolbar, in the window that appears, sort by column C, smallest to largest.
* In column E1, I typed "B-H_Pvalue". In cell E2, I typed the formula: <pre>=(C2*5221)/D2</pre>  
* Type the header "Rank" in cell D1. We will create a series of numbers in ascending order from 1 to 5221 in this column.  This is the p value rank, smallest to largest.  Type "1" into cell D2 and "2" into cell D3. Select both cells D2 and D3. Double-click on the plus sign on the lower right-hand corner of your selection to fill the column with a series of numbers from 1 to 5221.
* I applied the formula to the whole column.  
* Now you can calculate the Benjamini and Hochberg p value correction. Type B-H_Pvalue in cell E1. Type the following formula in cell E2: <code>=(C2*5221)/D2</code> and press enter. Copy that equation to the entire column.
* In cell F1, I typed "B-H_Pvalue".
* Type "B-H_Pvalue" into cell F1.  
* In cell F2, I typed the formula: <pre>=IF(E2>1,1,E2)</pre>
* Type the following formula into cell F2: <code>=IF(E2>1,1,E2)</code> and press enter. Copy that equation to the entire column.  
* I copied that equation into the entire column.
* Select columns A through F.  Now sort them by your MasterIndex in Column A in ascending order.
* I sorted the columns in ascending order by the MasterIndex column, then copied column F (the adjusted B-H_Pvalues) and used Paste -> Paste Special to paste it in the statistics sheet to the right of the Bonferroni_Pvalue.
* Copy column F and use Paste special > Paste values to paste it into the next column on the right of your "statistics" sheet.
=== Prepare file for GenMAPP ===
=== Prepare file for GenMAPP ===
* Insert a new worksheet and name it "forGenMAPP".
* I inserted a new worksheet and name it "forGenMAPP".
* Go back to the "statistics" worksheet and Select All and Copy.
* I copied everything from the statistics worksheet, and pasted it into the new worksheet using Paste -> Paste Special -> Values.
* Go to your new sheet and click on cell A1 and select Paste Special, click on the Values radio button, and click OK.  We will now format this worksheet for import into GenMAPP.
* Next, I began formatting the spreadsheet for GenMAPP.
* Select Columns B through Q (all the fold changes).  Select the menu item Format > Cells. Under the number tab, select 2 decimal places.  Click OK.
** I selected Columns B through Q (all the fold changes), then selected Format -> Cells. Under the number tab, I selected 2 decimal places.   
* Select all the columns containing p values. Select the menu item Format > Cells.  Under the number tab, select 4 decimal places. Click OK.
** Next, I selected Columns S through U (p values). I selected Format -> Cells, and under the number tab, selected 4 decimal places.
* Delete the left-most Bonferroni p value column, preserving the one that shows the result of your "if" statement.
** I deleted column T, which was the left-most Bonferroni P value column, preserving the one that had the results of the If statement.
* Insert a column to the right of the "ID" column. Type the header "SystemCode" into the top cell of this column.  Fill the entire column (each cell) with the letter "N".
** To the right of the "ID" column, I inserted a column. I typed the header "SystemCode" into the top cell, and replaced the entire column with the letter "N".
* Select the menu item File > Save As, and choose "Text (Tab-delimited) (*.txt)" from the file type drop-down menu.  Excel will make you click through a couple of warnings because it doesn't like you going all independent and choosing a different file type than the native .xls.  This is OK.  Your new *.txt file is now ready for import into GenMAPP.  But before we do that, we want to know a few things about our data as shown in the next section.
** Lastly, I saved the file as a "Text (Tab-delimited) (*.txt)" file.
** Upload both the .xls and .txt files that you have just created to your journal page in the class wiki.  Make sure that your file name is distinct from your other classmates so that nobody overwrites anyone else's file.
=== Sanity Check: Number of genes significantly changed ===
=== Sanity Check: Number of genes significantly changed ===
Before we move on to the GenMAPP/MAPPFinder analysis, we want to perform a sanity check to make sure that we performed our data analysis correctly.  We are going to find out the number of genes that are significantly changed at various p value cut-offs and also compare our data analysis with the published results of Merrell et al. (2002).
Now, I wanted to perform a sanity check to make sure I performed the analysis correctly.
* Open your spreadsheet and go to the "forGenMAPP" tab.
* To begin, I opened the spreadsheet and went to the "forGenMAPP" tab.  
* Click on cell A1 and select the menu item Data > Filter > Autofilter.  Little drop-down arrows should appear at the top of each column.  This will enable us to filter the data according to criteria we set.
* I selected cell A1, then selected Data -> Filter to activate the filter for each tab.  
* Click on the drop-down arrow on your "Pvalue" column.  Select "Custom".  In the window that appears, set a criterion that will filter your data so that the Pvalue has to be less than 0.05.
* On the "Pvalue" column, I selected the dropdown arrow and applied the following filters, recording the number of values that remained after filtering, as well as what percentage that is of the genes lie within the range.
** '''''How many genes have p value < 0.05? and what is the percentage (out of 5221)?'''''
** p < 0.05: 948 (18.15%)
** '''''What about p < 0.01? and what is the percentage (out of 5221)?'''''
** p < 0.01: 235 (4.50%)
** '''''What about p < 0.001? and what is the percentage (out of 5221)?'''''
** p < 0.001: 24 (0.45%)
** '''''What about p < 0.0001? and what is the percentage (out of 5221)?'''''
** p < 0.0001: 2 (0.03%)
* When we use a p value cut-off of p < 0.05, what we are saying is that you would have seen a gene expression change that deviates this far from zero less than 5% of the time.
* After clearing the filter on the "Pvalue" column, I then moved to filter the Bonferroni and B-H P value columns. I performed the following filters, recording the same values as before (number and percentage).
* We have just performed 5221 T tests for significance.  Another way to state what we are seeing with p < 0.05 is that we would expect to see this magnitude of a gene expression change in about 5% of our T tests, or 261 times. (Test your understanding: [http://xkcd.com/882/ http://xkcd.com/882/].) Since we have more than 261 genes that pass this cut off, we know that some genes are significantly changed.  However, we don't know ''which'' ones.  To apply a more stringent criterion to our p values, we performed the Bonferroni and Benjamini and Hochberg corrections to these unadjusted p values.  The Bonferroni correction is very stringent.  The Benjamini-Hochberg correction is less stringent. To see this relationship, filter your data to determine the following:
** Bonferroni p < 0.05: 0 (0%)
** '''''How many genes are p < 0.05 for the Bonferroni-corrected p value? and what is the percentage (out of 5221)?'''''
** B&H p < 0.05: 0 (0%)
** '''''How many genes are p < 0.05 for the Benjamini and Hochberg-corrected p value? and what is the percentage (out of 5221)?'''''
* Next, I filtered the "Avg_LogFC_all" column and recorded the number and percent of each search.
* In summary, the p value cut-off should not be thought of as some magical number at which data becomes "significant".  Instead, it is a moveable confidence level.  If we want to be very confident of our data, use a small p value cut-off.  If we are OK with being less confident about a gene expression change and want to include more genes in our analysis, we can use a larger p value cut-off. 
** p < 0.05 && Avg_LogFC_all > 0: 352 (6.74%)
* The "Avg_LogFC_all" tells us the size of the gene expression change and in which direction.  Positive values are increases relative to the control; negative values are decreases relative to the control.
** p < 0.05 && Avg_LogFC_all < 0: 596 (11.41%)
** Keeping the (unadjusted) "Pvalue" filter at p < 0.05, filter the "Avg_LogFC_all" column to show all genes with an average log fold change greater than zero. '''''How many are there? (and %)'''''
** p < 0.05 && Avg_LogFC_all > 0.25: 339 (6.49%)
** Keeping the (unadjusted) "Pvalue" filter at p < 0.05, filter the "Avg_LogFC_all" column to show all genes with an average log fold change less than zero. '''''How many are there? (and %)'''''
** p < 0.05 && Avg_LogFC_all < -0.25: 579 (11.08%)
** '''''What about an average log fold change of > 0.25 and p < 0.05? (and %)'''''
* '''''What criteria did [http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v417/n6889/full/nature00778.html Merrell et al. (2002)] use to determine a significant gene expression change?  How does it compare to our method?'''''
** '''''Or an average log fold change of < -0.25 and p < 0.05? (and %)'''''  (These are more realistic values for the fold change cut-offs because it represents about a 20% fold change which is about the level of detection of this technology.)
** Merrel et al. (2002) used a two-class SAM (statistical analysis for microarrays) analysis to determine a significant expression change. Genes with a twofold change in expression or more in all patents were considered significantly changed. This seems to indicate that they used the change in expression to help determine statistical significance, whereas we used p values to determine significance.
* In summary, the p value cut-off should not be thought of as some magical number at which data becomes "significant".  Instead, it is a moveable confidence level.  If we want to be very confident of our data, use a small p value cut-off.  If we are OK with being less confident about a gene expression change and want to include more genes in our analysis, we can use a larger p value cut-off.  For the GenMAPP analysis below, we will use the fold change cut-off of greater than 0.25 or less than -0.25 and the unadjusted p value cut off of p < 0.05 for our analysis because we want to include several hundred genes in our analysis.
* '''''What criteria did Merrell et al. (2002) use to determine a significant gene expression change?  How does it compare to our method?'''''
=== Sanity Check:  Compare individual genes with known data ===
=== Sanity Check:  Compare individual genes with known data ===
Line 141: Line 108:
* Merrell et al. (2002) report that genes with IDs: VC0028, VC0941, VC0869, VC0051, VC0647, VC0468, VC2350, and VCA0583 were all significantly changed in their data.  Look these genes up in your spreadsheet.  '''''What are their fold changes and p values? Are they significantly changed in our analysis?'''''
* Merrell et al. (2002) report that genes with IDs: VC0028, VC0941, VC0869, VC0051, VC0647, VC0468, VC2350, and VCA0583 were all significantly changed in their data.  Look these genes up in your spreadsheet.  '''''What are their fold changes and p values? Are they significantly changed in our analysis?'''''
=== MAPPFinder Analysis of ''Vibrio cholerae'' Microarray Data (Part 2) ===
== MAPPFinder Analysis of ''Vibrio cholerae'' Microarray Data (Part 2) ==
* We will begin this analysis in class on Tuesday, October 20.
=== Map Onto Biological Pathways (GenMAPP & MAPPFinder) ===
* The detailed instructions can be found on the [http://www.openwetware.org/wiki/BIOL367/F10:GenMAPP_and_MAPPFinder_Protocols GenMAPP and MAPPFinder Protocols page] hosted by [http://www.openwetware.org OpenWetWare.org].
* '''The below instructions are from the [http://www.openwetware.org/wiki/BIOL367/F10:GenMAPP_and_MAPPFinder_Protocols GenMAPP and MAPPFinder Protocols page] hosted by [http://www.openwetware.org OpenWetWare.org].'''
=== Conclusion ===
Each time I launched GenMAPP, I needed to make sure I had the correct Gene Database (.gdb) loaded. The database I was using was [http://sourceforge.net/projects/xmlpipedb/files/V.%20cholerae%20Gene%20Database/V.%20cholerae%2020101022/Vc-Std_External_20101022.zip/download Vc-Std_External_20101022.gdb], which I extracted prior to continuing.
* In the lower left hand corner of GenMAPP, it indicated that there was no database selected. I selected Data -> Choose Gene Database, then selected the .gdb file.
* Write a paragraph that briefly summarizes and gives a scientific conclusion for the work that you did this week.
==== GenMAPP Expression Dataset Manager Procedure ====
==== Optional: downloading and installing the GenMAPP and MAPPFinder Software ====
* I selected Data -> Expression Dataset Manager, then chose Expression Dataset -> New Dataset. I selected the text file that I'd created (linked above) in the dialog box.
** In the window that appeared, I just hit "ok" to continue.
** The file reported '''121 errors'''.
*** In the EX.txt file, I opened it in excel and filtered by the "~Errors~" column. All 121 errors had the error message "Gene not found in OrderedLocusNames or any related system."
*** My partner, Emily Simso, had 772 errors. This is likely due to the names that were used for the genes. Since the file I used was newer, it's possible that the gene names were changed. Additionally, since the file I'm using was created by Dr. Dahlquist and Dr. Dionisio, it's possible that they knew the proper names and protocol to use to ensure the most successful files.
* Now, I needed to customize the color set for GenMAPP. Under the "Color Sets" "Name" header, I named it "Significant Genes" and selected "Avg_LogFC_All" under the Gene Value dropdown. I created two criterion that I was going to color:
** "Increased": [Avg_LogFC_all] > 0.25 AND [Pvalue] < 0.05
** "Decreased": [Avg_LogFC_all] < -0.25 AND [Pvalue] < 0.05
** To create the criteria, I selected "New" under Criteria Builder. I entered the name, then selected a color. For "Increased", I used a magenta pink color, and for "Decreased", I used a cyan blue color. Then, I wrote in the criteria, selecting the first part of the expression under the "Columns" section, selecting the operation under the "Ops" column, and then typing in the number. I used the operation "AND" between the two pieces of the expression.
* Lastly, I saved the expression dataset by selecting Expression Datasets -> Save, then exited.
* We will be using GenMAPP and MAPPFinder version 2.1 (http://genmapp.org).  This software is Windows-only and is already installed on the machines in the Seaver 120 computer lab.
==== MAPPFinder Procedure ====
** This version is now called "GenMAPP Classic" and can be downloaded [https://github.com/GenMAPPCS/genmapp/blob/master/GenMAPPv2Setup.exe?raw=true from this page].
** Follow the instructions in the installer.
* Next, I needed to use MAPPFinder to look at '''decreased expression'''. I selected Tools -> MAPPFinder to launch the program.
** During installation, the installer will open a window called the GenMAPP Data Acquisition ToolIt will not function because it cannot connect to the server. This is OK, you will download your ''Vibrio cholerae'' Gene Database from the XMLPipeDB project at SourceForge.org.
** I selected "Calculate New Results", then selected "Find File" and selected the ".gex" file that had been produced in the last step.  
*** Half of the class will use the Vc-Std_External_20090622.gdb Gene Database that was created by the Fall 2008 Biological Databases class.
** I close the Color Set "Significant Genes", and filtered by "Decreased".
**** To download this Gene Database, [http://sourceforge.net/projects/xmlpipedb/files/V.%20cholerae%20Gene%20Database/V.%20cholerae%2020090622/Vc-Std_External_20090622.zip/download follow '''''this link''''' to the XMLPipeDB SourceForge Download page].
** I checked the boxes "Gene Ontology" and "Click here to calculate p values", then hit "Browse", and selected where I would save the new file, as well as gave it a name.
*** Half of the class will use a more recent Vc-Std_External_20101022.gdb Gene Database that was created by Drs. Dahlquist and Dionisio in 2010.
** Then, I hit "Run MAPPFinder". 
**** To download this Gene Database, [http://sourceforge.net/projects/xmlpipedb/files/V.%20cholerae%20Gene%20Database/V.%20cholerae%2020101022/Vc-Std_External_20101022.zip/download follow '''''this link''''' to the XMLPipeDB SourceForge Download page].
* I selected "Show Ranked List" after the Gene Ontology Browser opened. The top 10 GO terms were listed below:
*** The members of a pair should each choose a different gene database.
*# glucose catabolic process
* Click on the link for the Gene Database to which you have been assigned, download the file, and save it into the folder C:\GenMAPP 2 Data\Gene Databases (if you accepted the default folders during the installation), and extract it.
*# hexose catabolic process
*# glycolysis
*# monosaccharide catabolic process
*# cytoplasm
*# alcohol catabolic process
*# cellular carbohydrate catabolic process
*# glucose metabolic process
*# protein folding
*# hexose metabolic process
** '''Compare your list with your partner who used a different version of the Gene DatabaseAre your terms the same or different? Why do you think that is?  Record your answer in your individual journal entry.'''
* In the MAPPFinder Browser window, I selected "Collapse Tree". To search for a gene, I typed the gene ID into the "Search for a specific Gene ID" input box, then selected "OrderedLocusNames" in the "Select Gene ID type" dropdown. I searched for the following terms, and recorded the corresponding GO terms:
** VC0028:
*** GO Terms: branched chain family amino acid biosynthetic process, cellular amino acid biosynthetic process, metabolic process, metal ion binding, iron-sulfur cluster binding, 4 iron, 4 sulfur cluster binding, catalytic activity, lyase activity, dihydroxy-acid dehydratase activity
** VC0941:
*** GO Terms: glycine metabolic process, L-serine metabolic process, one-carbon metabolic process, cytoplasm, pyridoxal phosphate binding, catalytic activity, transferase activity, glycine hydroxymethyltransferase activity,
** VC0869:
*** GO Terms: glutamine metabolic process, purine nucleotide biosynthetic process, 'de novo' IMP biosynthetic process, cytoplasm, nucleotide binding, ATP binding, catalytic activity, ligase activity, phosphoribosylformyglycinamidine synthase activity
** VC0051:
*** GO Terms: purine nucleotide biosynthetic process, 'de novo' IMP biosynthetic process, nucleotide binding, ATP binding, catalytic activity, lyase activity, carboxy-lyase activity,  phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase activity
** VC0647:
*** GO Terms: mRNA catabolic process, RNA processing, cytoplasm, mitochondion, RNA binding, 3'-5'-exoribonuclease activity, transferase activity, nucleotidyltransferase activity, polyribonucleotide nuclotidyltransferase activity
** VC0468:
*** GO Terms: glutathione biosynthetic process, metal ion binding, nucloetide binding, ATP binding, catalytic activity, ligase activity, glutathione synthase activity
** VC2350:
*** GO Terms: deoxyribonucleotide catabolic process, metabolic process, cytoplasm, catalytic activity, lyase activity, deoxyribose-phosphase aldolase activity
** VCA0583:
*** GO Terms: transport, outer membrane-bounded periplasmic space, transporter activity
* The GO Terms I found were not the same as the ones my partner found. <!-- why or why not? -->
* Searching for VC0869 again, I double-clicked the GO term "phosphoribosylformyglycinamidine synthase activity". This opened a window showing what genes went under that category. The expression did change significantly, in that the expression was increased.  
** I double-clicked the gene, named PUR4_VIBCH.
*** The function of this gene, according to [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene?cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Graphics&list_uids=2614536 NCBI], the function of the gene is to "catalyze the formation of 2-(formamido)-N1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)acetamidine from N2-formyl-N1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide and L-glutamine in purine biosynthesis"
* Launch Microsoft Excel. Open the copies of the .txt files in Excel (you will need to "Show all files" and click "Finish" to the wizard that will open your file).  This will show you the same data that you saw in the MAPPFinder Browser, but in tabular form.
* Look at the top of the spreadsheet.  There are rows of information that give you the background information on how MAPPFinder made the calculations.  '''Compare this information with your partner who used a different version of the Vibrio Gene Database.  Which numbers are different?  Why are they different?  Record this information in your individual journal entry.'''
* You will filter this list to show the top GO terms represented in your data for both the "Increased" and "Decreased" criteria. You will need to filter your list down to about 20 terms.  Click on a cell in the row of headers for the data.  Then go to the Data menu and click "Filter > Autofilter".  Drop-down arrows will appear in the row of headers.  You can now choose to filter the data.  Click on the drop-down arrow for the column you wish to filter and choose "(Custom…)". A window will open giving you choices on how you want to filter. You must set these two filters:
Z Score (in column N) greater than 2
PermuteP (in column O) less than 0.05
:You will use these two filters depending on the number of terms you have:
Number Changed (in column I) greater than or equal to 4 or 5 AND less than 100
Percent Changed (in column L) greater than or equal to 25-50%
* Save your changes to an Excel spreadsheet.  Select File > Save As and select Excel workbook (.xls) from the drop-down menu.  Your filter settings won’t be saved in a .txt file.
* '''Are any of your filtered GO terms closely related to one another, meaning are they a direct child or parent to another term in the list?  You can judge this by comparing your spreadsheet with the MAPPFinder browser.  Highlight the terms that fit this relationship with the same color in your Excel spreadsheet.  Upload your .xls file to your journal page.'''
* '''Interpret your results.  Look up the definitions for any GO terms that are unfamiliar to you.  The "official" definitions for GO terms can be found at [http://www.geneontology.org http://www.geneontology.org]. You can use one of the online biological dictionaries as a supplement, if needed.  Write a paragraph relating the results of this GO analysis to the experiment performed (comparing laboratory-grown and patient-derived ''Vibrio cholerae''.  You need to give a biological interpretation of what do each of these GO terms in your filtered list have to to with the pathogenecity of the bacterium?  You may consult with your partner on this, but your explanation on your individual journal page needs to be in your own words.  This is where the real "brain power" comes in with interpreting DNA microarray data.  Even experienced scientists struggle with this part.  Use your creativity as a scientist to stretch your brain in this question.'''
* '''There is one other file you need to save to your journal page. It has a .gmf extension and should be in the same fold as the .gex file that you created with the GenMAPP Expression Dataset Manager.  You will need this file to re-open your results in MAPPFinder.'''
== Conclusion ==
* Write a paragraph that briefly summarizes and gives a scientific conclusion for the work that you did this week.
== Links ==
== Links ==

Latest revision as of 22:58, 22 October 2015

Statistical Analysis of Vibrio cholerae Microarray Data (Part 1)

Files as of 10/22/15

Normalize the log ratios for the set of slides in the experiment

  • First, I downloaded the data file from Open Wet Ware.
  • To scale and center the data (between chip normalization), I performed the following operations:
    • I inserted a new Worksheet into the Excel file, and name it "scaled_centered".
    • In the "compiled_raw_data" worksheet, I pressed Command + Ato select everything, and then copied it all. I pasted the information in the "scaled_centered" sheet.
    • I Inserted two rows in between the column headers and the first row of data.
    • I typed "Average" in cell A2 and "StdDev" in cell A3.
    • Now I needed to compute the Average Log Ration for each column. In cell B2, I typed the following equation:
    • To compute the Standard Deviation, I typed the following equation in cell B3:
    • To apply the formula to all of the columns, I dragged the small box on the bottom right-hand corner across each column to apply it to all columns.
    • Next, I copied the column headings and pasted them to the right of C4to create a second set of headers. I edited the names of the columns so they read: A1_scaled_centered, A2_scaled_centered, etc.
    • In cell N4 under the column titled "A1_scaled_centered", I typed the following equation:
    • I clicked cell N4, then double-clicked the small box on the bottom right when the cursor turned into a plus so that it applied to every row in the column.
    • I dragged the formula from N4 across the remaining columns to apply it to all of them, then applied the formula to all of the rows of the columns.

Perform statistical analysis on the ratios

  • To perform the statistical analysis, I performed the following steps:
    • First, I inserted a new worksheet and named it "statistics".
    • I copied the first column from the "scaled_centered" worksheet (the column titled ID), then pasted the column into the new sheet.
    • Back in the "scaled_centered" sheet, I copied all of the columns with "_scaled_centered" in the titles and pasted them using "Edit -> Paste Special -> Values" in the "statistics" sheet, starting at cell B1.
    • Then, I deleted rows 2 and 3 from "statistics" (Average/StdDev).
    • To the right of my "_scaled_centered" columns, I created three columns, titled "Avg_LogFC_A", "Avg_LogFC_B", and "Avg_LogFC_C".
    • To compute the average log fold change for the replicates, I typed in cell N2 under "Avg_LogFC_A" the equation:
    • I applied the formula to the entire column, as well as to the next two columns.
    • Now I needed to computer the average of the averages. In the column after "Avg_LogFC_C", I created a new column titled "Avg_LogFC_all". Under the column header, I typed the equation:
    • After applying the formula to the whole column, I created a new column called "Tstat" next to the "Avg_LogFC_all". Under this column header, I entered the following equation:
    • I then applied it to all rows in the column.
    • Next to the "Tstat" column, I labeled the next column "Pvalue". In the cell below the label, I entered the equation:
    • Then, I applied the formula to all of the rows in the column.

Calculate the Bonferroni p value Correction

  • I labeled the next two columns to the right of the "Pvalue" column with the same label, "Bonferroni_Pvalue".
  • Under the first "Bonferroni_Pvalue" column, I typed the equation:
  • Then, I applied the formula to the whole column. In order to replace any corrected P value that was greater than 1 with the number 1, I typed the following formula under the header of the second "Bonferonni_Pvalue" column:
  • I applied the formula to the whole column.

Calculate the Benjamini & Hochberg p value Correction

  • To calculate the B&H p value correction, I began by creating a new worksheet and naming it "B-H_Pvalue".
  • I coped and pasted the "ID" column from the "statistics" worksheet into the second column.
  • I named the first column "MasterIndex". I typed a 1 in cell A2 and a 2 in cell A3, selected both cells, then double-clicked the box in the right-hand corner to fill the entire column.
  • Using "Paste Special -> Values", I copied the Pvalue column from "statistics" into column C.
  • I selected columns A, B, and C, and sorted by ascending order on Column C. To do this, I selected Data -> Sort. I sorted by column C, smallest to largest.
  • In cell D1, I typed the header "Rank". This column will contain the p value rank, from smallest to largest. I repeated the same process that I used for the "MasterIndex" column in order to fill the column with numbers from 1 to 5,221.
  • In column E1, I typed "B-H_Pvalue". In cell E2, I typed the formula:
  • I applied the formula to the whole column.
  • In cell F1, I typed "B-H_Pvalue".
  • In cell F2, I typed the formula:
  • I copied that equation into the entire column.
  • I sorted the columns in ascending order by the MasterIndex column, then copied column F (the adjusted B-H_Pvalues) and used Paste -> Paste Special to paste it in the statistics sheet to the right of the Bonferroni_Pvalue.

Prepare file for GenMAPP

  • I inserted a new worksheet and name it "forGenMAPP".
  • I copied everything from the statistics worksheet, and pasted it into the new worksheet using Paste -> Paste Special -> Values.
  • Next, I began formatting the spreadsheet for GenMAPP.
    • I selected Columns B through Q (all the fold changes), then selected Format -> Cells. Under the number tab, I selected 2 decimal places.
    • Next, I selected Columns S through U (p values). I selected Format -> Cells, and under the number tab, selected 4 decimal places.
    • I deleted column T, which was the left-most Bonferroni P value column, preserving the one that had the results of the If statement.
    • To the right of the "ID" column, I inserted a column. I typed the header "SystemCode" into the top cell, and replaced the entire column with the letter "N".
    • Lastly, I saved the file as a "Text (Tab-delimited) (*.txt)" file.

Sanity Check: Number of genes significantly changed

Now, I wanted to perform a sanity check to make sure I performed the analysis correctly.

  • To begin, I opened the spreadsheet and went to the "forGenMAPP" tab.
  • I selected cell A1, then selected Data -> Filter to activate the filter for each tab.
  • On the "Pvalue" column, I selected the dropdown arrow and applied the following filters, recording the number of values that remained after filtering, as well as what percentage that is of the genes lie within the range.
    • p < 0.05: 948 (18.15%)
    • p < 0.01: 235 (4.50%)
    • p < 0.001: 24 (0.45%)
    • p < 0.0001: 2 (0.03%)
  • After clearing the filter on the "Pvalue" column, I then moved to filter the Bonferroni and B-H P value columns. I performed the following filters, recording the same values as before (number and percentage).
    • Bonferroni p < 0.05: 0 (0%)
    • B&H p < 0.05: 0 (0%)
  • Next, I filtered the "Avg_LogFC_all" column and recorded the number and percent of each search.
    • p < 0.05 && Avg_LogFC_all > 0: 352 (6.74%)
    • p < 0.05 && Avg_LogFC_all < 0: 596 (11.41%)
    • p < 0.05 && Avg_LogFC_all > 0.25: 339 (6.49%)
    • p < 0.05 && Avg_LogFC_all < -0.25: 579 (11.08%)
  • What criteria did Merrell et al. (2002) use to determine a significant gene expression change? How does it compare to our method?
    • Merrel et al. (2002) used a two-class SAM (statistical analysis for microarrays) analysis to determine a significant expression change. Genes with a twofold change in expression or more in all patents were considered significantly changed. This seems to indicate that they used the change in expression to help determine statistical significance, whereas we used p values to determine significance.

Sanity Check: Compare individual genes with known data

  • Merrell et al. (2002) report that genes with IDs: VC0028, VC0941, VC0869, VC0051, VC0647, VC0468, VC2350, and VCA0583 were all significantly changed in their data. Look these genes up in your spreadsheet. What are their fold changes and p values? Are they significantly changed in our analysis?

MAPPFinder Analysis of Vibrio cholerae Microarray Data (Part 2)

Map Onto Biological Pathways (GenMAPP & MAPPFinder)

Each time I launched GenMAPP, I needed to make sure I had the correct Gene Database (.gdb) loaded. The database I was using was Vc-Std_External_20101022.gdb, which I extracted prior to continuing.

  • In the lower left hand corner of GenMAPP, it indicated that there was no database selected. I selected Data -> Choose Gene Database, then selected the .gdb file.

GenMAPP Expression Dataset Manager Procedure

  • I selected Data -> Expression Dataset Manager, then chose Expression Dataset -> New Dataset. I selected the text file that I'd created (linked above) in the dialog box.
    • In the window that appeared, I just hit "ok" to continue.
    • The file reported 121 errors.
      • In the EX.txt file, I opened it in excel and filtered by the "~Errors~" column. All 121 errors had the error message "Gene not found in OrderedLocusNames or any related system."
      • My partner, Emily Simso, had 772 errors. This is likely due to the names that were used for the genes. Since the file I used was newer, it's possible that the gene names were changed. Additionally, since the file I'm using was created by Dr. Dahlquist and Dr. Dionisio, it's possible that they knew the proper names and protocol to use to ensure the most successful files.
  • Now, I needed to customize the color set for GenMAPP. Under the "Color Sets" "Name" header, I named it "Significant Genes" and selected "Avg_LogFC_All" under the Gene Value dropdown. I created two criterion that I was going to color:
    • "Increased": [Avg_LogFC_all] > 0.25 AND [Pvalue] < 0.05
    • "Decreased": [Avg_LogFC_all] < -0.25 AND [Pvalue] < 0.05
    • To create the criteria, I selected "New" under Criteria Builder. I entered the name, then selected a color. For "Increased", I used a magenta pink color, and for "Decreased", I used a cyan blue color. Then, I wrote in the criteria, selecting the first part of the expression under the "Columns" section, selecting the operation under the "Ops" column, and then typing in the number. I used the operation "AND" between the two pieces of the expression.
  • Lastly, I saved the expression dataset by selecting Expression Datasets -> Save, then exited.

MAPPFinder Procedure

  • Next, I needed to use MAPPFinder to look at decreased expression. I selected Tools -> MAPPFinder to launch the program.
    • I selected "Calculate New Results", then selected "Find File" and selected the ".gex" file that had been produced in the last step.
    • I close the Color Set "Significant Genes", and filtered by "Decreased".
    • I checked the boxes "Gene Ontology" and "Click here to calculate p values", then hit "Browse", and selected where I would save the new file, as well as gave it a name.
    • Then, I hit "Run MAPPFinder".
  • I selected "Show Ranked List" after the Gene Ontology Browser opened. The top 10 GO terms were listed below:
    1. glucose catabolic process
    2. hexose catabolic process
    3. glycolysis
    4. monosaccharide catabolic process
    5. cytoplasm
    6. alcohol catabolic process
    7. cellular carbohydrate catabolic process
    8. glucose metabolic process
    9. protein folding
    10. hexose metabolic process
    • Compare your list with your partner who used a different version of the Gene Database. Are your terms the same or different? Why do you think that is? Record your answer in your individual journal entry.
  • In the MAPPFinder Browser window, I selected "Collapse Tree". To search for a gene, I typed the gene ID into the "Search for a specific Gene ID" input box, then selected "OrderedLocusNames" in the "Select Gene ID type" dropdown. I searched for the following terms, and recorded the corresponding GO terms:
    • VC0028:
      • GO Terms: branched chain family amino acid biosynthetic process, cellular amino acid biosynthetic process, metabolic process, metal ion binding, iron-sulfur cluster binding, 4 iron, 4 sulfur cluster binding, catalytic activity, lyase activity, dihydroxy-acid dehydratase activity
    • VC0941:
      • GO Terms: glycine metabolic process, L-serine metabolic process, one-carbon metabolic process, cytoplasm, pyridoxal phosphate binding, catalytic activity, transferase activity, glycine hydroxymethyltransferase activity,
    • VC0869:
      • GO Terms: glutamine metabolic process, purine nucleotide biosynthetic process, 'de novo' IMP biosynthetic process, cytoplasm, nucleotide binding, ATP binding, catalytic activity, ligase activity, phosphoribosylformyglycinamidine synthase activity
    • VC0051:
      • GO Terms: purine nucleotide biosynthetic process, 'de novo' IMP biosynthetic process, nucleotide binding, ATP binding, catalytic activity, lyase activity, carboxy-lyase activity, phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase activity
    • VC0647:
      • GO Terms: mRNA catabolic process, RNA processing, cytoplasm, mitochondion, RNA binding, 3'-5'-exoribonuclease activity, transferase activity, nucleotidyltransferase activity, polyribonucleotide nuclotidyltransferase activity
    • VC0468:
      • GO Terms: glutathione biosynthetic process, metal ion binding, nucloetide binding, ATP binding, catalytic activity, ligase activity, glutathione synthase activity
    • VC2350:
      • GO Terms: deoxyribonucleotide catabolic process, metabolic process, cytoplasm, catalytic activity, lyase activity, deoxyribose-phosphase aldolase activity
    • VCA0583:
      • GO Terms: transport, outer membrane-bounded periplasmic space, transporter activity
  • The GO Terms I found were not the same as the ones my partner found.
  • Searching for VC0869 again, I double-clicked the GO term "phosphoribosylformyglycinamidine synthase activity". This opened a window showing what genes went under that category. The expression did change significantly, in that the expression was increased.
    • I double-clicked the gene, named PUR4_VIBCH.
      • The function of this gene, according to NCBI, the function of the gene is to "catalyze the formation of 2-(formamido)-N1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)acetamidine from N2-formyl-N1-(5-phospho-D-ribosyl)glycinamide and L-glutamine in purine biosynthesis"

  • Launch Microsoft Excel. Open the copies of the .txt files in Excel (you will need to "Show all files" and click "Finish" to the wizard that will open your file). This will show you the same data that you saw in the MAPPFinder Browser, but in tabular form.
  • Look at the top of the spreadsheet. There are rows of information that give you the background information on how MAPPFinder made the calculations. Compare this information with your partner who used a different version of the Vibrio Gene Database. Which numbers are different? Why are they different? Record this information in your individual journal entry.
  • You will filter this list to show the top GO terms represented in your data for both the "Increased" and "Decreased" criteria. You will need to filter your list down to about 20 terms. Click on a cell in the row of headers for the data. Then go to the Data menu and click "Filter > Autofilter". Drop-down arrows will appear in the row of headers. You can now choose to filter the data. Click on the drop-down arrow for the column you wish to filter and choose "(Custom…)". A window will open giving you choices on how you want to filter. You must set these two filters:
Z Score (in column N) greater than 2
PermuteP (in column O) less than 0.05
You will use these two filters depending on the number of terms you have:
Number Changed (in column I) greater than or equal to 4 or 5 AND less than 100
Percent Changed (in column L) greater than or equal to 25-50%
  • Save your changes to an Excel spreadsheet. Select File > Save As and select Excel workbook (.xls) from the drop-down menu. Your filter settings won’t be saved in a .txt file.
  • Are any of your filtered GO terms closely related to one another, meaning are they a direct child or parent to another term in the list? You can judge this by comparing your spreadsheet with the MAPPFinder browser. Highlight the terms that fit this relationship with the same color in your Excel spreadsheet. Upload your .xls file to your journal page.
  • Interpret your results. Look up the definitions for any GO terms that are unfamiliar to you. The "official" definitions for GO terms can be found at http://www.geneontology.org. You can use one of the online biological dictionaries as a supplement, if needed. Write a paragraph relating the results of this GO analysis to the experiment performed (comparing laboratory-grown and patient-derived Vibrio cholerae. You need to give a biological interpretation of what do each of these GO terms in your filtered list have to to with the pathogenecity of the bacterium? You may consult with your partner on this, but your explanation on your individual journal page needs to be in your own words. This is where the real "brain power" comes in with interpreting DNA microarray data. Even experienced scientists struggle with this part. Use your creativity as a scientist to stretch your brain in this question.
  • There is one other file you need to save to your journal page. It has a .gmf extension and should be in the same fold as the .gex file that you created with the GenMAPP Expression Dataset Manager. You will need this file to re-open your results in MAPPFinder.


  • Write a paragraph that briefly summarizes and gives a scientific conclusion for the work that you did this week.


Nicole Anguiano
BIOL 367, Fall 2015

Assignment Links
Individual Journals
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