Eyanosch Week 3

From LMU BioDB 2015
Revision as of 06:53, 22 September 2015 by Eyanosch (Talk | contribs) (In order to create the +2 and +3 reading frames, I took a look a the introduction to the command line and it gives these prompts to remove letters from the beginning of the command line)

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Erich Yanoschik

Week 3

In order to produce the complementary strands nucleotide sequence

cat sequence_file | sed "y/atgc/tacg/"

this follows the rule of y/<original characters>/<new characters>/

If sequence_file contains


the output would be:


Write 6 sets of text processing commands that, when given a nucleotide sequence, returns the resulting amino acid sequence, one for each possible reading frame for the nucleotide sequence.

Using Dondi's already available translated code we first need to translate the DNA into RNA, then make a way so that the code can read each trinucleotide sequence. If it reads the entire block of code then I won't be able to use the sed commands in Dr. Dondi's page.

cat sequence_file
  • The file of nucleotide sequences
cat sequence_file | sed "s/t/u/g" 
  • This will convert the Nucleotide sequence from DNA to RNA
cat sequence_file | sed "s/t/u/g" | sed "s/.../& /g" 
  • This command repeats every 3 nucleotides and adds a space inbetween each codon
cat sequence_file | sed "s/t/u/g" | sed "s/.../& /g" | sed -f genetic-code.sed
  • by taking the codes from ~dondi/xmlpipedb/data directory in a file called genetic-code.sed, 64 chain commands are already taken care of.
cat sequence_file | sed "s/t/u/g" | sed "s/.../& /g" | sed -f genetic-code.sed | sed "s/ //g"
  • Removing all the spaces in-between the Amino Acids
cat sequence_file | sed "s/t/u/g" | sed "s/.../& /g" | sed -f genetic-code.sed | sed "s/ //g" | sed "s/[actg]//g" 
  • Removes any bases accidentally left

This reads for the +1 reading frame

cat sequence_file | sed "s/^.//g" | sed "s/t/u/g" | sed "s/.../& /g" | sed -f genetic-code.sed | sed "s/ //g" | sed "s/[actg]//g" 
  • Reads for the +2 Reading Frame
cat sequence_file | sed "s/^..//g" | sed "s/t/u/g" | sed "s/.../& /g" | sed -f genetic-code.sed | sed "s/ //g" | sed "s/[actg]//g"
  • Reads for the +3 Reading Frame

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