Troque Notes Week 5
From LMU BioDB 2015
Using PosGreSQL
Some nice acronym:
- Create - insert
- Retrieve - select
- Update - update
- Delete - delete
How to login to posGreSQL
- Open pgAdmin III and type in password
- PostgreSQL 9.2 (localhost:5432)
- Go to Databases
- Go to movie_database
- Go to Schemas
- Go to public
- Go to Tables
- Go to movie
Helpful Hints
- select * from movie = " give me all the data from table "movie" "
- select title, year from movie; = "give me data with just the title and year"
- select title, year from movie where year > 1990; = selective retrieval by year
- select title, year from movie where title = 'Star Wars'; = give me the movie with the title "Star Wars"
- select title, year from movie where title ~ 's$';
- select title, year from movie where title like '%a%';
- select title, year from movie where title like '%a%' order by year desc;
- "desc" means descending order.
- you can replace "order by year" with "order by ___"
- insert into movie (id, year, title) values (1, 1999, 'The Matrix') = "insert an item into the table"
- Use single quotes for texts
- update movie set year = 2006 where id = 4;
- delete from movie where year = 1999;