Jwoodlee Week 12

From LMU BioDB 2015
Revision as of 01:51, 24 November 2015 by Jwoodlee (Talk | contribs) (Milestone 2: “Developer Rig” Setup and Initial As-Is Build: added procedure)

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Individual Journal Assignment

The "Milestones" can be found here on the Coder guild page.

Milestone 1: Version Control Setup

Since I already had a GitHub account, Dondi added me to the XMLPipeDB project on GitHub. I then selected the branch dropdown menu on the project entitled "Branch:master" and typed into the create new branch field "s-flexneri". This will allow me to make my own commits without changing the master branch.

  1. (with QA) Commit and push relevant source data to the GenMAPP Gene Databases folder of your GitHub branch

Milestone 2: “Developer Rig” Setup and Initial As-Is Build

I downloaded Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers and ran the .exe. From there,

  1. Follow the instructions in the GenMAPP Builder Project Setup and Initial Build section of this wiki page in order to:
    • Set up a functioning Eclipse development environment for your branch of GenMAPP Builder.
    • Build your own copy of GenMAPP Builder from scratch.
  2. (with QA) Get a full import-export cycle done.
  3. (with QA) Decide on a file/version management scheme/system.

As needed, coders may arrange for a walkthrough or other help session with Dr. Dionisio if there are any issues with the procedures on this guild page.

Milestone 3: Species Profile Creation

Follow the instructions in the Adding a Species Profile to GenMAPP Builder section of this wiki page in order to:

  • Add a species profile to the GenMAPP Builder code base.
  • Customize the species profile with the species name in the OrderedLocusNames record of the Systems table.
  • Customize the Link field in the OrderedLocusNames record of the Systems table to hold a URL query with ~ standing in for the gene ID.
    • (with QA) The URL would need to be determined first, of course.

Milestone 4: Species Export Customization

  1. Based on observations from the GenMAPP User and QA, determine and document (as thoroughly as possible) any other modified export behavior that GenMAPP Builder will have to manifest for this species.
  2. Implement this export behavior.
  3. As needed, commit and push your work to your GitHub branch.
  4. Additional milestones will depend on how the rest of the project goes, and the bugs/features generated by that work.
  5. Document/log all work done, problems encountered, and how they were resolved.
  6. When your work is complete, issue a GitHub pull request to merge your branch into the main development line.

BIOL 367, Fall 2015, User Page, Team Page

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