Anuvarsh Week 14

From LMU BioDB 2015
Revision as of 20:39, 6 December 2015 by Anuvarsh (Talk | contribs) (Electronic Lab Notebook: started adding information to ELN)

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Electronic Lab Notebook


  • Analyze results from previous build with Brandon Litvak and determine modifications that need to be made to code.
  • Finish GenMAPP Builder
    • * Begin modifying code to collect gene names from "ORF" instead of "OrderedLocusTags"
  • Start writing README and scientific paper (parts of deliverables).

Build 2

  • The last build was a dry run and had no customizations. This build will include a customized species profile.

Created the Species Profile

  • Exposed the contents of the src folder.
  • Right-clicked on the edu.lmu.xmlpipedb.gmbuilder.databasetoolkit.profiles package and choose New > Class from the popup menu.
  • In the dialog that appeared:
    • Name: BurkholderiaCenocepaciaUniProtSpeciesProfile
    • Superclass: edu.lmu.xmlpipedb.gmbuilder.databasetoolkit.profiles.UniProtSpeciesProfile
  • Clicked Finish.
  • There was a file within the edu.lmu.xmlpipedb.gmbuilder.databasetoolkit.profiles package

Customizing the Species Profile

  • In the java file created in the previous step, the following code was added:
    • Build-2-code-AV-12032015.png
  • The 6 digit code in the constructor refers to the taxon of B. cenocepacia. This code was found on the NCBI Taxonomy Browser.
  • The link towards the bottom of the code refers to the page on the model organism database with gene information where the ~ at the end of the link would be replaced with each gene name.

Added the Species Profile to the Catalog of Known Species Profiles

  • I navigated to the file under the edu.lmu.xmlpipedb.gmbuilder.databasetoolkit.profiles package.
  • I modified the already existing code by adding a line at the bottom of the following block of code towards the top of the page indicating the B. cenocepacia profile.
    • Add-species-to-customs-list-AV.png

Other Links

User Page: Anindita Varshneya
Class Page: BIOL/CMSI 367: Biological Databases, Fall 2015
Group Page: GÉNialOMICS

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GÉNialOMICS Journal Week 14
GÉNialOMICS Journal Week 15


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