Week 10

From LMU BioDB 2015
Revision as of 00:25, 3 November 2015 by Kdahlquist (Talk | contribs) (Overview: pasted in objective from BIOL 478)

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This journal entry is due on Tuesday, November 10, at midnight PST. (Monday night/Tuesday morning)

This page is under construction.


  • The purpose of this exercise is to create an annotated bibliography of papers related to the final research project.
  • Two members of your team will present one of the primary research articles (microarray paper) as a journal club presentation on <date>; the other two members of your team will present another primary research articles (genome paper) as a journal club presentation on <date>.
  • You will also use these articles to write the Introduction and Discussion sections of your Final Project Report.

Individual Journal Assignment

  • Store this journal entry as "username Week 10" (i.e., this is the text to place between the square brackets when you link to this page).
  • Link from your user page to this Assignment page.
  • Link to your journal entry from your user page.
  • Link back from your journal entry to your user page.
  • Don't forget to add the "Journal Entry" category to the end of your wiki page.
    • Note: you can easily fulfill all of these links by adding them to your template and then using your template on your journal entry.
  • For your assignment this week, you will keep an electronic laboratory notebook on your individual journal entry page for this week. An electronic laboratory notebook records all the manipulations you perform on the data and the answers to the questions throughout the protocol. Like a paper lab notebook found in a wet lab, it should contain enough information so that you or someone else could reproduce what you did using only the information from the notebook.

Team Journal Assignment

Team Membership

The project groups are:

  1. Team 1
    • Coder:
    • Quality Assurance:
    • GenMAPP Users:
  2. Team 2
    • Coder:
    • Quality Assurance:
    • GenMAPP Users:
  3. Team 3
    • Coder:
    • Quality Assurance:
    • GenMAPP Users:
  4. Team 4
    • Coder:
    • Quality Assurance:
    • GenMAPP Users:

Creating a Team Wiki Page

From this week on, your "Shared Journal Assignments" will become "Team Journal Assignments". For this week, some preliminary tasks are assigned to your team in preparation for your final projects.

  • Name your team and create your team home page on the wiki.
    • The name of your team home page should simply be the team name.
    • This page will be the main place from which your team project will be managed. Include all of the information/links that you think will be useful for your team to communicate with each other and with the instructors. Hint: the kinds of things that are on your own User pages and on the course Main page can be used as a guide.
    • Create a link to your team's page on the course Main page.
    • Create a category using your team name and use it on your team's main page and all pages you will create for the project.
    • Create a template for your team with useful information and links that you will use on all pages that you will create for the project.
  • Choose one member of your team to be the Project Manager. Only one member of the team will serve in this role (no co-Project Managers). Record this information on the Group Project page and on your team's home page.