Rlegaspi Team Notes
From LMU BioDB 2015
Revision as of 22:51, 3 November 2015 by Rlegaspi (Talk | contribs) (Creation of team notes page. Keeping track of what needs to get done for group project.)
Team Notes
Week 10 Milestones: Choose Project manager, Choose Species, Annotated bibliography --> Choose dataset
Week 11/12 Milestones: Introduction to my species
- Coder/QA: Journal Club Genome Paper, Regex for OrderedLocusID/MoD, Initial Exports + QA report
- GenMAPP Users: Journal Club Microarray paper, Experimental design, Match samples to data download.
Week 13/14 Milestones:
- Coder/QA: Customize species profile, iterate export/change to code
- GenMAPP Users: Data Analysis, use gdb exported by coder/QA
Week 15 Milestones: Focus on deliverables - code, documentation, report, presentation