Eyanosch Week 14
From LMU BioDB 2015
Revision as of 01:41, 7 December 2015 by Eyanosch (Talk | contribs) (set up a layout for this weeks electronic lab notebook)
- 1 Erich Yanoschik
- 2 Electronic lab notebook
- 2.1 Corrections from talk page
- 2.2 Normalizing the log ratios for the set of slides in the experiment
- 2.3 Calculate Bonferroni p value correction
- 2.4 Analysis corrections
- 2.5 Prepare file for GenMAPP
- 2.6 Sanity Check
- 2.7 Benjamini & Hochberg p value correction
- 2.8 Running GenMAPP and MAPPFinder
- 2.9 Instructions from Dr. Dahlquist
Erich Yanoschik
Electronic lab notebook
Dividing the Statistical analysis by the two types of drugs (Kristin is doing RX and Erich is doing RP) Since we performed the same tasks for the two different types of drugs, I borrowed Kristin's electronic lab notebook layout.
Corrections from talk page
Normalizing the log ratios for the set of slides in the experiment
Calculate Bonferroni p value correction
Analysis corrections
Prepare file for GenMAPP
Sanity Check
Benjamini & Hochberg p value correction
Running GenMAPP and MAPPFinder
Instructions from Dr. Dahlquist
- Increased LogFC>0.25 and p<0.05
- Decreased LogFC<-0.25 and p<0.05
- Do Benjamini-Hochberg correction for the treatment with the most significant genes out of all 6
- 3,926 records left after deleting blanks and empty ID's
- 585 cells with "Error" messages replaced with nothing (left them empty)
created MasterIndex Sheet and imported the data from Sheet CompiledRawData added a MasterIndex Column with values 1-4224
- created new statistics worksheet and imported the data from the ID column and the _Scaled_Centered Columns
- Then the Standard deviation row and average are deleted
Dividing the Statistical analysis by the two types of drugs (Kristin is doing RX and Erich is doing RP) There will be 6 averages (3 for the 1 x MIC at time points 10, 30, 60) and (3 for the 0.5 x MIC at time points 10, 30, 60)
48 replacements (replacing periods with the letters pt)
Number of errors--> 416