Talk:Bklein7 Week 3
From LMU BioDB 2015
Revision as of 22:09, 17 September 2015 by Bklein7 (Talk | contribs) (Added class notes on pipping commands)
- Accessing the cs lmu system: - in putty.exe ssh - in terminal
- Exit
- pwd : "print working directory" - shows the path to your current directory
- ls : "list files"
- blue- folders, white- documents
- cd <name>: "change directory"
- <name> = .. allows you to go up one directory
- cat <filename> : shows contents of a file
- more <filename> : shows truncated file contents that allows you to page around
- space- page down
- b- page up
- q- quit truncated view
- wc <filename> : word count of a file
- display: lines / words / characters
- grep "searchterm" <filename> : search for text
- exclusively searchterm - " searchterm "
- searchterm at end of line - "searchterm$"
- searchterm at beginning of line - "^searchterm"
- sed : replacing text
- "s/<searchtext>/<replacetext>/g" <filename> : one time search and replace (words)
- "y/<unqiuecharacters>/<newuniquecharacters>/" : letter by letter replacement
- sed "s/.../& /g" <filename> to group sequence into codons
- "..." any character
- "&" what you just found
- Aside: creating a new text file
- echo 'text' >filename.txt
Putting Commands Together
- vertical bar ( | ) used to link commands together
- ex. grep "King" movie_titles.txt | sed s/King/Queen/g
- not necessary to reiterate file name, as you want the first command to act ONLY on the text of the second
- ex. grep "King" movie_titles.txt | sed s/King/Queen/g
- pipping commands without specifying a file name
- the program will expect you to type in the input
- Enter will initiate a new line
- Command-D will end the input and begin pipping
- Echo "<sampletext>" will repeat the sampletext as an output
- This is useful in pipping when you want to repeatedly analyze the same custom text
- Ways to access dondi's data folder
- cd /nfs/home/dondi/xmlpipedb/data
- cd ~dondi/xmlpipedb/data