Week 3 Notes
From LMU BioDB 2015
To log into putty
- Open putty, enter my.cs.lmu.edu
- eyanosch and password (personal)
Continuing command line exercises
cd ~dondi/xmlpipedb/data
*to enter dondi's files
grep vs sed grep "phrase or word to be searched" sed "s/text to be substituted/text substituting it with/g"
To combine commands use | inbetween commands
- Ctrl D = signal for done
- this signals that you are done writing
sed "s/d.g/&o/g"
-This means that "d(any letter)g" be followed by "o"
echo "Hello BIOL 367"
- whatever you say is repeated to you
the up arrow is a way to repeat a previous command
Count the number of matches and types of unique patterns matched java -jar xmlpipedb-match-1.1.1.jar java -jar xmlpipedb-match-1.1.1.jar 'Love"
- identifies actual pieces that match the pattern and lists statistics
Square bracket in the pattern to match, [abc] the bracket will match only the symbols inside
java - jar xmlpipedb-match-1.1.1.jar "do[gbd]" will search for anything with do(ending in either g,b, or d) since that is the search requirements entered
^ - marker for the beginning of the line $ - marker for the end of the line