Eyanosch Week 4
From LMU BioDB 2015
Revision as of 22:55, 22 September 2015 by Eyanosch (Talk | contribs) (Notes taken during Dr. Dhalquist's class lecture)
Human genes
about 50% repeated bp's
about 5% code for proteins
45% are regulatory (differentiation)
3 million bp's = human genome size
Roughly ~ 20,296 genes (protein coding genes)
humans have about 100,000 different proteins in our cells
Open reading frame and doing translation = area coded for a certain gene
Database analytical tools - available access to lots of data
- information
- representation, organization, manipulation, distribution, maintenance
transcends all science, interdisciplinary
check out Data life cycle (plan, collect, assure, describe, preserver, discover, integrate, analyze)
- Key Concepts
- ID's = identifiers
- Record = entry in a database
- searching a database is executing a query
- Different databases use different file formats
Pertinent types for this class
-3d structure
-Model organism databases
Major databases to note
- NCBI: National Center for Biotechnology Information
- GenBank
- Gene
- Pubmed
- uniprot (formerly SWISS-PROT