Emilysimso Week 4
From LMU BioDB 2015
Revision as of 02:59, 25 September 2015 by Emilysimso (Talk | contribs) (Began working on assignment, stopped at stop codon section)
Question 1
- Used grep "[ct]at[at]at" infA-E.coli-K12.txt to highlight the -10box
- Used grep "tt[gt]ac[at]" infA-E.coli-K12.txt to highlight the -35 box
- Used sed "s/cattat/<minus10box>&<\/minus10box>/g" infA-E.coli-K12.txt | sed "s/tttact/<minus35box>&<\/minus35box>/g" to add the labels to the -35box and -10box
- Added sed -r "s/<\/minus10box>.{11}/<tss>&<\/tss>/g"
- This did not work because the <tss> label got added before the </minus10box>
- Used sed -r "s/<\/minus10box>.{5}/&<\/tss>/g" | sed "s/<\/tss>/<tss>c&/g" to add the tss site markers
- Added grep "gagg" to find the rbs
- Added sed "s/gagg/<rbs>&<\/rbs>/g" around the gagg to mark the rbs
- Used grep "atg" to find possible start codons
- Added sed -r "s/<\/rbs>.{8}/&<\/startcodon>/g" | sed "s/<\/startcodon>/<startcodon>atg&/g" to mark the start codon (atg)
sed "s/cattat/<minus10box>&<\/minus10box>/g" infA-E.coli-K12.txt | sed "s/tttact/<minus35box>&<\/minus35box>/g" | sed -r "s/<\/minus10box>.{5}/&<\/tss>/g" | sed "s/<\/tss>/<tss>c&/g" | sed "s/gagg/<rbs>&<\/rbs>/g" | sed -r "s/<\/rbs>.{8}/&<\/startcodon>/g" | sed "s/<\/startcodon>/<startcodon>atg&/g"
- Possible stop codons - taa, tag, or tga