Msaeedi23 Week 6
- 1 Table Creation on PostgreSQL
- 2 Questions to Answer
- 2.1 Provide the DDL (create table) statements that you used for your application and product tables.
- 2.2 Provide the sed command sequences that you used to convert the raw text files into sequences of SQL insert statements.
- 2.3 Using the command line, how can you determine the number of records in each file? Provide the command.
- 2.4 Using SQL, how can you determine the number of records in the table corresponding to the file? Provide the SQL <code>select statement.
Table Creation on PostgreSQL
Start by logging into ssh & enter password
ssh <>
Then I inputted:
To show the files in the directory that we want to use.
In PostgreSQL I typed the following to create an "application" table:
create table application (ApplNo int primary key, ApplType varchar, SponsorApplicant varchar, MostRecentLabelFlag boolean, CurrentPatentFlag boolean, ActionType varchar, ChemicalType int, Ther_Potential varchar, OrphanCode varchar);
Using similar techniques I typed in the following command into PostgreSQL to create the "Product" table:
create table product (ApplNo int references application, ProductNo int, Form varchar, Dosage varchar, ProductMktStatus int, TECode varchar, ReferenceDrug int, drugname varchar, activeingred varchar);
Formatting application.txt
I removed the spaces using the regex for the tab character which was \t
Redirected the processed data and formatted the original lines using:
cat application.txt | sed "1D" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/','/" | sed "s/\t/',/" | sed "s/\t/,/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/',/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/'/" | sed "s/,,/,null,/g"
Following this command it was necessary to remove excess spaces:
cat application.txt | sed "1D" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/','/" | sed "s/\t/',/" | sed "s/\t/,/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/',/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/'/" | sed "s/,,/,null,/g" | sed "s/ *//g"
Then I targeted the V at the end of every line, if there was one there I put it in quotes, if not I added a null:
cat application.txt | sed "1D" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/','/" | sed "s/\t/',/" | sed "s/\t/,/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/',/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/'/" | sed "s/,,/,null,/g" | sed "s/ *//g" | sed "s/V\r$/,'V'/g"
Lastly I added null to the end of each line, and replaced the empty characters -"- with null as well:
cat application.txt | sed "1D" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/','/" | sed "s/\t/',/" | sed "s/\t/,/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/',/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/'/" | sed "s/,,/,null,/g" | sed "s/ *//g" | sed "s/V\r$/,'V'/g" | sed "s/\r$/,null/g" | sed "s/,'V',null/,'V'/g" | sed "s/,,/,null,/g"
Finally, we pipe it all into the application.sql.txt file:
cat application.txt | sed "1D" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/','/" | sed "s/\t/',/" | sed "s/\t/,/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/',/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/'/" | sed "s/,,/,null,/g" | sed "s/ *//g" | sed "s/V\r$/,'V'/g" | sed "s/\r$/,null/g" | sed "s/,'V',null/,'V'/g" | sed "s/,,/,null,/g" | sed "s/^/insert into application(ApplNo,ApplType,SponsorApplicant,MostRecentLabelAvailableFlag, CurrentPatentFlag,ActionType,ChemicalType,Ther_Potential,Orphan_Code) values(/g" | sed "1d" > ~/public_html/application.sql.txt\
Formatting product.txt
This was much easier to do after formatting the application.txt due to the fact that I looked over the data prior to processing it: cat Product.txt | sed "1D" | sed "s/'//g"| sed "s/\t/,/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/','/" | sed "s/\t/',/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/',/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/','/" | sed "s/\r$/'/g" | sed "s/,,/,null,/g" | Finally we pipe it all into the product.sql.txt file: sed "s/^/insert into product(ApplNo,ProductNo,Form,Dosage,ProductMktStatus,TECode, ReferenceDrug,drugname,activeingred) values(/g" > ~/public_html/Product.sql.txt
Questions to Answer
Provide the DDL (create table
) statements that you used for your application and product tables.
create table application (ApplNo int primary key, ApplType varchar, SponsorApplicant varchar, MostRecentLabelFlag boolean, CurrentPatentFlag boolean, ActionType varchar, ChemicalType int, Ther_Potential varchar, OrphanCode varchar);
create table product (ApplNo int references application, ProductNo int, Form varchar, Dosage varchar, ProductMktStatus int, TECode varchar, ReferenceDrug int, drugname varchar, activeingred varchar);
Provide the sed
command sequences that you used to convert the raw text files into sequences of SQL insert
cat application.txt | sed "1D" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/','/" | sed "s/\t/',/" | sed "s/\t/,/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/',/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/'/" | sed "s/,,/,null,/g" | sed "s/ *//g" | sed "s/V\r$/,'V'/g" | sed "s/\r$/,null/g" | sed "s/,'V',null/,'V'/g" | sed "s/,,/,null,/g" | sed "s/^/insert into application(ApplNo,ApplType,SponsorApplicant,MostRecentLabelAvailableFlag, CurrentPatentFlag,ActionType,ChemicalType,Ther_Potential,Orphan_Code) values(/g" | sed "1d" > ~/public_html/application.sql.txt\
cat Product.txt | sed "1D" | sed "s/'//g"| sed "s/\t/,/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/','/" | sed "s/\t/',/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/',/" | sed "s/\t/,'/" | sed "s/\t/','/" | sed "s/\r$/'/g" | sed "s/,,/,null,/g" | sed "s/^/insert into product(ApplNo,ProductNo,Form,Dosage,ProductMktStatus,TECode, ReferenceDrug,drugname,activeingred) values(/g" > ~/public_html/Product.sql.txt
Using the command line, how can you determine the number of records in each file? Provide the command.
Using the command wc<.code> The number of records in each file comes out to be the number of lines minus 1 because the first line for each is a row of labels. Application.txt is 19746 records and Product.txt is 32770 records. In SQL, the commands come out as follows:
cat application.txt | wc
cat product.txt | wc
Using SQL, how can you determine the number of records in the table corresponding to the file? Provide the SQL <code>select
Using count
we are able to create a table with column labels. In SQL, the commands come out to:
select count(*) from application and result comes out to 19746.
select count(*) from product and result comes out to 32770.
These numbers agree with the command line results.
- In your database, are these numbers the same or different? Explain why you think so.
- For the remaining questions, supply (a) the answer to the question and (b) the SQL statement that you used to answer the question.
- What are the names of the drug products that are administered in the form
The command to find out this information is:
select drugname from products where form = 'INJECTABLE;INTRAVENOUS, SUBCUTANEOUS'
- What are the names of the drug products whose active ingredient (activeingred) is
The command I used to find this out: select drugname from products where activeingred = 'ATROPINE'
The names of the drug products are: ATROPEN
- In what forms and dosages can the drug product named
be administered?
The following command was used to find this out: select Form, Dosage from products where drugname = 'BENADRYL'
The forms that BENADRYL can be administered in, include: CAPSULE;ORAL, ELIXIR;ORAL, and INJECTION
The dosages that BENADRYL can be administered in, include: 50MG, 12.5MG/5ML, 25MG, 10MG/ML, and 50MG/ML.
- Which drug products have a name ending in
The command I used to find this information: select drugname from products where drugname like '%ESTROL'
Drug products that have a name ending in ESTROL: DIETHYLSTILBESTROL, STILBESTROL, DIENESTROL
- Produce a table listing all of the known values for the therapeutic_potential column in the application table and how many application records there are of each. (Side note: The therapeutic_potential codes are explained in the ReviewClass_Lookup.txt file, in case you’re interested.)
ChemicalType | count | |
1 | 15292 | |
2 | 6 | 87 |
3 | 14 | 34 |
4 | 34 | 9 |
5 | 8 | 27 |
6 | 1 | 1271 |
7 | 2 | 139 |
8 | 3 | 1464 |
9 | 10 | 2 |
10 | 23 | 8 |
11 | 4 | 323 |
12 | 5 | 1046 |
13 | 9 | 1 |
14 | 24 | 8 |
15 | 7 | 35 |
The command I used was select chemicalType, count(*) from application group by chemicalType
- Produce a table listing all of the known values for the chemical_type column in the application table and how many application records there are of each. (Side note: The chemical_type codes are explained in the ChemTypeLookup.txt file, in case you’re interested.)
- What are the names of the drug products that are sponsored (sponsor applicant column) by
- Which sponsor applicant companies have the text
in their names and have products whose active ingredients (activeingred) include bothASPIRIN
There are 2 unique Sponsor Applicants that satisfy the required ingredients: "ACTAVIS LABS UT INC" and "WATSON LABS"