Template:Build Instructions
From LMU BioDB 2015
Revision as of 02:19, 2 November 2015 by Dondi (Talk | contribs) (Templatize the build instructions because they appear in multiple places.)
- Open the gmbuilder project by clicking on the gray triangle to the left of its name.
- Within the gmbuilder Java project is a file called build.xml. It should have an icon that appears to include an ant.
- Right-click on build.xml and choose Run As > Ant Build... (the one with the ellipses) from the menu that appears.
- In the Edit Configuration dialog that appears, uncheck dist if it is already checked.
- Check on the clean and dist items in the Targets tab. The Target execution order section near the bottom of the dialog should say clean, dist.
- Click the Run button. The computer will work for a bit. You will see some messages scroll up on the Console tab if that tab is visible.
- When it is done, right-click on the gmbuilder project folder and choose Refresh from the menu that appears (F5 is its keyboard shortcut).
- You should see a dist folder appear inside the gmbuilder project folder.
- This is your personally-built copy of GenMAPP Builder. Its contents correspond to the extracted contents of the gmbuilder-3.0.0-build-5.zip file that was downloaded in class.