Kzebrows Week 11

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Guild Meeting 10/11: GenMAPP Users

  1. Experimental design (for sure do by next week)
    • Treatment vs. control
    • Biological vs. technical replicates: which one and how many
      • Biological replicates: independent samples
      • Technical replicates: if at any point sample is split into two and treated differently
      • NOTE: should be able to find # chips or microarrays (a combo of the above should add up to this)
    • dye swaps: green and red dye behave differently in experiments
      • Figure out how many dye swaps occurred (best is even, but they could have done half and half and swapped it or used technical replicates)
    • Flow chart
  2. Sample and data relationships: match each chip/filename with a sample. One file should correspond to one chip. (look at by next week)
    • should have the files in it
    • sdrf.txt (Sample Data Relationship File) spreadsheet
    • NOTE: Double-check with Dr. Dahlquist
  3. Create compiled raw data file with ID, sample log 2 fold, sample log size, etc.