Week 12 E-notes Eyanosch
User Page: Erich Yanoschik Team Page: Oregon Trail Survivors
Downloaded the "raw" data and the "sdrf.txt" data Found that the experimental design did not involve dyeswaps the control was the Cy3 dye throughout the whole experiment Downloaded 36 sdrf.txt files each file holds data for a certain time point in the experiment for both the drug and control hybridized. ex. -> Rx 0.5 MIC and control at time 10 with the replicate number
shorthand -> RX 0.5-10-1
What we are going to do now is order the data in a way that makes sense, taking the ID and Log ratio from the .gpr files
We will use the shorthand for each ID column taken from the gpr files that corresponds with the raw data.
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Week 12 E-notes Eyanosch
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