Anuvarsh Week 14
Electronic Lab Notebook
- Analyze results from previous build with Brandon Litvak and determine modifications that need to be made to code.
- Finish GenMAPP Builder
- * Begin modifying code to collect gene names from "ORF" instead of "OrderedLocusTags"
- Start writing README and scientific paper (parts of deliverables).
Build 2
- The last build was a dry run and had no customizations. This build will include a customized species profile.
Created the Species Profile
- Exposed the contents of the src folder.
- Right-clicked on the edu.lmu.xmlpipedb.gmbuilder.databasetoolkit.profiles package and choose New > Class from the popup menu.
- In the dialog that appeared:
- Name: BurkholderiaCenocepaciaUniProtSpeciesProfile
- Superclass: edu.lmu.xmlpipedb.gmbuilder.databasetoolkit.profiles.UniProtSpeciesProfile
- Clicked Finish.
- There was a file within the edu.lmu.xmlpipedb.gmbuilder.databasetoolkit.profiles package
Customizing the Species Profile
- In the java file created in the previous step, the following code was added:
- The 6 digit code in the constructor refers to the taxon of B. cenocepacia. This code was found on the NCBI Taxonomy Browser.
- The link towards the bottom of the code refers to the page on the model organism database with gene information where the
at the end of the link would be replaced with each gene name.
Added the Species Profile to the Catalog of Known Species Profiles
- I navigated to the file under the edu.lmu.xmlpipedb.gmbuilder.databasetoolkit.profiles package.
- I modified the already existing code by adding a line at the bottom of the following block of code towards the top of the page indicating the B. cenocepacia profile.
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